[PHOTOS] 13 Quotes Spoken At The UMNO General Assembly That You Should Definitely Read
The quotes presented here are in no particular order. Let us know your views in the comment section.
"If need be, I want the Human Resources Minister Post to be returned to the Malays to safeguard our interest and fight for the Malay agenda," Shaiful Hazizy Zainol Abidin, the Umno Youth representative. "What's lacking with the Malays who are polite, hardworking and respectful to their leaders? Don't let the Malays feel that there is no place for hard working people," he added.
"Old timers are like children. They are sensitive. Some of them have been fighting with Umno since the time of Merdeka. So, don't sideline them," Ustaz Mohd Kamal Saidin, a delegate from Kedah. "If Umno wants to be youthful, the old and the young must unite."
"The existence of this (Sedition) Act is needed to prevent any political ploy by some extremists who want to threaten the stability and the sovereignty of this country," Mohd Kamal Saidin, Kedah Umno delegate. "I believe those who love peace and harmony would unanimously agree on this decision." (On Thursday, PM Najib announced that the Act will be further strengthened).
"The voices of one or two individuals do not necessarily reflect the essence of Umno's struggles or policies. Umno is a party that leads together with its partners in BN and, as such, we take into account all the races in the country," said Mohamad Hasan, Umno's Negri Sembilan chief, when asked about comments made by several delegates who singled out the Chinese community.
"We urge government agencies in charge of Islamic affairs to work together with local communities and Islamic NGOs to increase religious preaching as a means to address elements of liberalism, pluralism and human right-ism which poisons the minds of the public," Terengganu Umno delegate Abdul Hakim Wan Mokhtar
"I would like to stress that rejuvenation is not just about age. The election in India, for instance, has proven that the older candidate who had used social networks, has beaten the younger one," Khairy Jamaluddin on the issue of giving more active roles to youngsters in Umno in the name of rejuvenating the party, adding that it may actually weaken Umno if it is not outlined properly.
"Malaysia is one of the countries that has the strongest politics. The Opposition and NGOs that are against the government have been continuously bringing up issues that are seditious to us. They do a lot more talking and bashing than they do their work," Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, Second Finance Minister. "Umno is not like that. We are so focused on work aimed at improving the country."
"We are among the 30 countries in the world with the least amount of corruption. In Asia, we are ranked the 11th country, with the lowest corruption, when China was placed at 18, India at 21, Philippines at 22 followed by Thailand and Indonesia at 23 and 24 respectively," Ahmad Husni, the Umno treasurer general said.
"Warlordism culture in Pakatan Rakyat is much worse than us. You're okay compared to them," Idris Haron, Umno Supreme Council member said when addressing the Puteri Umno delegates. "At least our party did not put our wives as a candidate for Menteri Besar or as the president, and our child as the vice-president."
"I feel sad when there are those who put slippers and weird objects on the pictures of our PM. Is it appropriate for them to do that towards leaders of their own country?" Rahimah Mahamad, Kelantan Umno delegate. "I also feel sad that in Kelantan, some took to making an effigy of Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed and hitting it. What has he done that warrants such an insult?"
"If we want to inject a patient, we must use original and high quality medicine. The same goes to the party, we must have original and high quality leadership so that the future generation will have more respect on us," said Dr. Mohammad Nawar Ariffin, Kedah Umno representative from Pokok Sena Umno division.
Various facial expressions fill the halls of the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur today as Umno members listen intently to the debates by the party’s delegates in conjunction with Umno’s 2014 General Assembly
Image via therakyatpost.com"What troubles us is not the fact that there are multi stream schools in the country but are these schools (vernacular schools) carrying out the national agenda?" Abdul Hakim Wan Mokhtar asked, an Umno member. "They can't even speak the language, what will happen to our unity then? Bahasa jiwa bangsa," he said.
Umno flags flying high on top of the Hentian Putra bus station in conjunction with the 2014 Umno General Assembly
Image via therakyatpost.com"Umno must return its focus on the Malays. Let's identify Malay and Bumiputera hardcore supporters in urban and rural areas. Although they are facing difficult times and seemed like they couldn't care less about Umno, deep down they still love us," said Mohd Radzi Manan, Perak delegate.
Children at the Putra World Trade Centre did not want to be left out of the festivities surrounding the 2014 Umno General Assembly
Image via therakyatpost.com