
#UMNO2014: Sedition Act Is Here To Stay, And It Will Be Strengthened

Prime Minister and Umno President Najib Razak announced during the Umno General Assembly that the Sedition Act 1948 will continue to remain in Malaysia.

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News Of Retaining Sedition Act Draws Mixed Reactions From Politicians Of Both Divide

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The announcement that the Sedition Act will not only be retained but be strengthened to protect the sanctity of Islam and other religions sent ripples among lawmakers in the Dewan Rakyat.

Members Of Najib's Party Rallies Behind Him, Defending The Need For The Sedition Act To Maintain Peace

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Yesterday, Umno leaders rallied behind him, with vice-president Zahid Hamidi saying that Mr Najib was showing he "understands the heart of his people". Deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin, who had led the charge to protect the Sedition Act, said defending the law "doesn't mean the transformation has failed".

Datuk Othman Aziz (BN-Jerlun) supported Prime Minister Datuk Najib Tun Razak’s announcement to retain the Act. “We need to remember that we live in a multi-racial country where peace and harmony has been maintained all this while through such laws,” he said when met at the Parliament lobby yesterday.

IGP Backs Sedition Act And Wants Improvement For Easier Prosecution

The Sedition Act should be “improved” to make it easier for authorities to prosecute those who violate the law, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said. Despite the already low threshold of the law that criminalises speech with an undefined “seditious tendency” and without need to prove intent, Khalid urged the Attorney-General’s Chambers to draft amendments soon that will help police present charges against those accused of sedition.

“I welcome the retention of the Sedition Act in conditions when the freedom of speech, opinion, writing and many more have been misused. This Act is a law that is very suited to address the problem,” Khalid was quoted as saying by Malay daily Utusan Malaysia today. “We also ask that some parts (of the Sedition Act) be reinforced to, among others, make the process of charging those responsible for such crimes,” he continued.

Despite His Support, Pak Lah Reminds UMNO That They Can't Use Sedition Act To Stay In Power

"In our enthusiasm to retain the Sedition Act, I remind Umno members that the act is not to be used to keep Umno in power. Umno's power and strength comes from the people's support. Remember, if the people no longer support us, there is no law on God's earth that can save Umno from losing power," Abdullah said.

"I support the decision to retain or amend any laws that protect national harmony, that uphold our constitution, that affirm the social contract forged by our forefathers. And that ensures that the federation of Malaysia is not destroyed by irresponsible people. All this, I support," he said before stating his caution.

Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim, Continues To Voice His Protest Of The Sedition Act

Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim continued his criticism of Umno's support for the Sedition Act, saying the party knew no shame in wanting to retain the colonial-era law to protect Malay interests.

"Is it not embarrassing to the Malay community? To save the Malays, laws are needed so they can arrest and abuse others," he said in response to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's announcement yesterday at the Umno general assembly that the Sedition Act would be retained and strengthened.

Other Opposition Members Alike Join The Protest Of Sedition Act

Reacting strongly to the decision by the prime minister to retain the Sedition Act 1948, PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu criticised Najib Razak for being weak willed and not having a mind of his own. “We will fight it. We will mobilise the rakyat to reject it the way they rejected the ISA and Police Act until the government gives in and abolishes the Sedition Act,” he said.

Datuk Mahfuz Omar (PAS-Pokok Sena) said Najib had broken his promise to repeal the Act for his own political survival owing to strong pressure from Umno. Wong Chen (PKR-Kelana Jaya) said it would be a “dark, dark day” when the Act would be expanded, and this opened up chances for “a new crackdown”. Dr Ko Chung Sen (DAP-Kampar) said it was not only a U-turn by the Prime Minister but to strengthen the Act was “twice the tyranny”.

27 Nov: Prime Minister Najib Has Announced That The Sedition Act 1948 Will Remain

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Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak announced that the Sedition Act will remain, prompting Umno delegates to give him a standing ovation.

Not Only Will The Act Be Retained, It Will Be Fortified To Safeguard The Interests Of Islam And Other Religions

"This act will not only be maintained, but strengthened. At least two items: there will be a special clause to protect the sanctity of Islam, while other religions also cannot be insulted. "Secondly, we will insert a clause so that action is taken against anyone who calls for the cessation of Sabah and Sarawak," said Najib today in his policy speech at the Umno general assembly.

“It will be further strengthened. It will also contain a new provision to safeguard the interests of Islam and also other religions,” he said in his policy speech at the 2014 Umno general assembly.

The Umno President Made The Announcement During His Policy Speech At The Umno General Assembly To Loud Cheers And Applause

The announcement received loud cheers and applause from the packed floor.

Najib Said He Came To The Decision After Listening To Feedback From The Deputy Prime Minister, Wanita Umno, Pemuda And Puteri Umno, The Grassroots And NGOs

Najib said he decided this after considering feedback from Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Wanita Umno, Pemuda Umno, Puteri Umno, the grassroots, as well as non-governmental organisations. "Hence I, as the prime minister, decided that the Sedition Act 1948 will remain," he said, amid roars of approval from the delegates gathered at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur.

The Umno president appears to have bowed to pressure from within the party not to replace the Act.

"I Will Continue To Fight For The Fate Of The Malays And The Bumiputera," Says Najib

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He said this was Umno's wish, adding that he believed their friends in Barisan Nasional (BN) would be with them. "Enforcement must be fair so that we can truly create a Malaysian country that is more peaceful, stable and harmonious." But, Najib said he personally would not allow the Malay race to be damned and insulted in its own land. "I will continue to fight for the fate of the Malays and the Bumiputera."

In 2012, Najib Had Promised To Abolish The Colonial-Era Law

2014 Has Seen A Dragnet Of Sedition Arrests And Charges Mostly Against Opposition Politicians

To Pressure The Government To Keep To Their Promise, The Malaysian Bar Council And The Opposition Held A Nationwide "Mansuh Akta Hasutan" (MAH) Or "Repeal Sedition Act" Campaign

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