
19 Photos Of Clinton Vs Trump Supporters The Moment They Knew Who Won

Cheers and tears were aplenty as the United States of America chose its next leader.

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Supporters of Hilary Clinton came in thousands but were left devastated when Donald Trump emerged victorious in one of the most divisive US elections to date

Supporters of Hilary Clinton crying during the vote count.

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In 2016 US Elections held on 8 November, Trump beat out Democratic candidate and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by 61 electoral votes - 279 electoral votes against Clinton's 218 - to emerge as current President Barack Obama's successor.

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He has seized the White House back for the Republican party after 8 years of leadership under the Democratic party.

Many of Clinton's supporters were hoping America would see its first woman president. But that dream slowly withered away as the Democrats faltered and fell.

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According to polls over the past few months, Clinton was poised to be the favourite to win the presidency.

A couple consoling each other as vote count for Clinton began to slow down.

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What started out as a night of optimism slowly turned into horror when Clinton lost major states like Florida and Ohio

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Trump won in several swing states, many of which were previously taken by Democrats such as Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

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The loss was unbearable for many supporters as they broke down and wept openly in the Javits Centre where Clinton has selected to be her fortress

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For the first time in history, both of the presidential candidates were in New York City.

Less than 3km away from the Javits Centre, legions of Trump supporters raised the roof at the Hilton Hotel in celebration.

A group of young men celebrating Donald Trump's victory at the Hilton Hotel.

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Female Trump supporters holding a "Women For Trump" sign.

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Aside from Trump winning the presidency, the Republicans also secured the majority in the US Senate (51 votes against 47) and House (236 votes against 191) elections.

Many were seen wearing signature hats that read "Make America Great Again" and "Vote Trump"

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Chants of 'drain the swamp' and 'lock her up' were also heard as the US map slowly turned red in favour of the Republican candidate.

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Trump's success in the election was unexpected even by many of his supporters - which made the celebration sweeter, especially in his home state of New York

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Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of The United States on 20 January 2017

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Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence will take their oaths of office on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.

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