
PM: Parliament Will Reconvene During Phase 3 Of National Recovery Plan Between Sept & Oct

The Prime Minister said Phase 3 of the National Recovery Plan is expected to happen between September and October.

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Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that the Parliament will reconvene when the nation enters Phase 3 of the COVID-19 National Recovery Plan

Muhyiddin made the announcement during a special live address at 5pm today, 15 June. He revealed the government's four-phase plan to steer out of the pandemic during the live broadcast.

"I would like to give a commitment that the Parliamentary sitting can be held in this Phase (Phase 3) which is around September or October in accordance with strict SOPs (standard operating procedures)," he said.

"This is my position from the beginning that the system of Parliamentary democracy can function again at the appropriate time, that is, once the COVID-19 cases are under control and we have almost achieved herd immunity."

"I will continue to uphold the principles of Parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. No parties should deliberately cause unrest and confusion among the people to interfere with the main task of the government to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic."

However, to enter Phase 3 of the National Recovery Plan, the country will have to meet several criteria

According to him, the total daily COVID-19 cases will have to be lower than 2,000, 40% of the population will have to be vaccinated, and available beds at hospitals' intensive care units (ICU) should be sufficient.

He believed that Malaysia can achieve Phase 3 by the end of August.

"During this Phase 3, all sectors of the economy will be allowed to operate except activities listed on the negative list, such as activities that have a high risk of spreading COVID-19 or involving large crowds," he explained.

"The economic sector will be allowed to operate at 80% capacity as per Phase 2, and social activities including education and certain sports can start to open up in stages."

Earlier, he said for the country to move from one stage to another, Malaysia will have to meet the different requirements.

Below is a brief breakdown of the COVID-19 exit plan:

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Muhyiddin added the full SOPs for each phase will be announced by the National Security Council (MKN) in the future.

He said he expects the country to return to normalcy by the end of 2021.

Remember to limit your movement and keep practising physical distancing. Watch Muhyiddin's full address here:

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