
Pregnant Malaysian Influencer Robbed & Pushed To The Ground While Travelling In Spain

Beautrice Mok shared that the internal os of her cervix has ruptured.

Cover image via @beautrice__mok (Instagram)

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A pregnant Malaysian influencer was robbed and assaulted while travelling in Spain with her husband on Wednesday, 11 September

According to China Press, Beautrice Mok, a beauty influencer and cosmetic entrepreneur, is seven months pregnant with twins.

During the robbery, Mok was pushed to the ground, causing her to fall head-first.

"The impact of the fall was so severe that I felt my stomach being compressed.

"When I sat down to rest, I felt my pants were wet. I then lifted my skirt and saw water flowing out. We were really scared," she recounted.

The 31-year-old was immediately rushed to the hospital for treatment.

In a series of Instagram Stories, Mok shared that she received emergency care and discovered that the internal os of her cervix had ruptured.

Additionally, she sustained injuries to her head, resulting in swelling on her forehead and eyes.

Initially, the heartbeat of one of Mok's fetuses was weak.

However, after some rest and observation, the condition improved.

Mok was discharged from the hospital and allowed to fly back to Malaysia after a short stay at the hospital.

Updating on her Instagram Stories yesterday, 12 September, Mok showed videos of her scrapes on her leg.

She mentioned that due to the rupture in her cervix, she might go into premature labour at any time. To mitigate this risk, she said she will undergo an injection at a hospital in Kuala Lumpur.

Mok then thanked her fans and friends for their prayers and support during this challenging time.

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