
Rats Apparently Chewed Through RM73,000 In Cash After Sneaking Into An ATM In India

The bank has lodged a police report.

Cover image via The Guardian/AFP/Getty Images

In Tinsukia, an industrial city in north-east India, rats have apparently chewed through bank notes amounting to INR12,38,000 (RM73,000) after they entered into an ATM owned by SBI

Photos showing shredded currency notes of denomination INR2,000 and INR500 inside an ATM in Tinsukia have gone viral in social media.

According to a report in an Indian newspaper The Hindu, officials suspect that rats would have destroyed currency notes since some dead rats were found inside the ATM.

While the ATM was reported out of order since 20 May, it was opened for maintenance last week. Following which, staff found banknotes completely destroyed inside the ATM that belongs to the State Bank of India, which is the largest bank in India.

Destroyed 500 and 2,000 rupee notes in the cash machine.

Image via The Guardian/AFP/Getty Images

According to reports in local media, the underside of the machine had a hole for wires to go through. Rats used it to enter the ATM.

A branch manager of SBI in the town of Tinsukia, while speaking to Reuters said that they have started "an investigation into this rare incident and will take measures to prevent a recurrence" in future

According to Reuters, while most ATMs in India have a CCTV installed for enhanced security, an inspection of the CCTV footage at the said ATM showed no rat entering it.

Here are more photos that were taken by a local reporter and reviewed by Reuters.

Image via NDTV
Image via NDTV

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