
Man Who Filmed Himself "Poking" A Dog On Instagram Live Claims He Did It For Fun

The man has since issued an "apology".

Cover image via Mhafiyuddin/Instagram

An Instagram live video of a 22-year-old man "poking" a dog has gone viral recently

In the video, the dog was heard shrieking while the man "poked" it with what seems to be a broomstick.

"Hello, pig!" said the man in the video, while laughing along with his friend who witnessed the incident. He also added that the dog was chewing on his slippers. 

The man asked for advice to "samak (cleanse)" his slippers that were chewed on by the dog.

Image via Mhafiyuddin/Instagram

Although the video did not show how badly the dog was hurt from the man's actions, it appears to have died later on

After the man filmed himself cleaning his slippers, the video was cut to the dog, which was found dead by the side of a road.

It is unknown if the dog had died from the man's "poking" or from other causes.

The videos quickly attracted opposing views from netizens, both in defence of and against the man

One netizen stressed that the video does not show that the dog was killed because of the man's actions, and stood by his use of a broomstick against the dog.

Image via Instagram

Other netizens criticised the man's justification of his videos.

Image via Instagram
Image via Instagram

Netizens began contacting Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia's youth chief Syed Saddiq, urging him to take action regarding the incident

Syed Saddiq wrote on his Instagram that he has contacted the man in the incident, and asked him to make his own police report and contact the Malaysia Animal Association to clarify the matter.

He added that no one should mistreat animals, and everyone should treat them with love and care.

Following backlash, the man issued an "apology" on his Instagram account for the "misunderstanding" of his actions

He claimed that the motive behind the videos of the dog was to "entertain" his friends, and he never expected them to go viral.

Although the man has taken down the video from Instagram, it has been re-uploaded onto Facebook here. Viewer discretion is advised.

What do you think about his apology? Let us know in the comments below.

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