
While Rosmah Wins Inspirational Award, Her Husband Loses Face Back Home

Congratulations, Mrs First Lady. Buck up, Mr Prime Minister.

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First Lady Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor Won The 'Global Inspirational Leadership Award' In Dubai Today, 19 Dec 2013

First Lady Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor Won The 'Global Inspirational Leadership Award' In Dubai Today, 18 Dec 2013

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Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor (pic) was today honoured with the ‘Global Inspirational Leadership’ award at the Africa-Middle East-Asia Amazons Awards Gala in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The event organiser, Centre for Economic and Leadership Development (CELD), said the award was in recognition of the commitment, role and initiatives of the Malaysian prime minister’s wife that had given an impact on women and children’s development.

"Women and children are important assets in shaping and determining the future direction of the community and country.

"Therefore, efforts should continue to be implemented as best as possible in empowering women and children in order to maximise their potential," said the organiser as contained in a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office in Putrajaya.

Rosmah Was Also Honoured With The Congressional Commendation From The Senate Of The US State Of Georgia

According to the statement, Rosmah also received congressional commendation from the Senate of Georgia, United States, which was conveyed by the delegation from Georgia.

Rosmah Was Also Honoured With The Congressional Commendation From The Senate Of The US State Of Georgia

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Rosmah, through the statement, said the recognition would be a strong motivation for her to continue with her efforts.

Meanwhile, Back Home In Putrajaya...

Meanwhile, Back Home In Putrajaya...

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Prime Minster Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's Popularity Rating Is At Its Lowest Since He Assumed Office In 2009

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's approval rating has taken the lowest dip since assuming office in 2009, declining to 52% in December, from 62% in August, a Merdeka Center survey has found.

The pollster said the survey was conducted between December 4 and 12, 2013, after the reduction of fuel subsidies in September 2013, and the tabling of the 2014 national budget during which the government announced the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in 2015.

Prime Minster Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's Popularity Rating Is At Its Lowest Since He Assumed Office In 2009

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According To A Survey By Merdeka Center, Najib's Approval Rating Has Dropped From 62% In August To 52% In December

Merdeka Center said in a statement that concerns over the economy, particularly rising costs and inflation, rose to its highest ever level, up to 67% of all respondents.
The survey found that 55% of Peninsular Malaysia voters said that they did not quite understand how GST will affect them.
Additionally, 54% of respondents reported that they did not believe in statements by government leaders about the country’s economic situation.

The survey also showed that Najib’s drop in popularity cuts across all races, with the most significant decline being among the Indians, with a drop from 76% to 57%.

According To A Survey By Merdeka Center, Najib's Approval Rating Has Dropped To 52% From 62% In August

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The Percentage Of People Happy With The Government Has Also Declined From 50% In August To 38% In December

The number of those expressing “happiness” with the government has also declined to 38%, compared to 50% in August 2013, showing a significant reduction in positive attitude from across major ethnic groups.

The Percentage Of People Happy With The Government Has Also Declined From 50% In August To 38% In December

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Analysts Say Najib's Declining Popularity Is Due To The Rapidly Rising Cost Of Living

The gap between rhetoric from Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s administration and the reality of Malaysian lives is behind the 10% slide in the prime minister’s popularity in the latest Merdeka Center survey, say analysts.

“The Government is unable to show that it is sharing the financial burden by eliminating waste.

“Instead the public sees that the burden to be more prudent is on them,” political analyst Khoo Kay Peng said when commenting on the latest survey results.

Sixty-seven per cent of respondent cited worsening costs and inflation as their main grouses.

Analysts Say Najib's Declining Popularity Is Due To The Rapidly Rising Cost Of Living

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