
Sarawakians & Sabahans Flying Back Home From KL For CNY To Enjoy Fixed Rates With AirAsia

The details will be announced on 7 January in AirAsia HQ.

Cover image via The Borneo Post

Sarawakians and Sabahans flying home from Kuala Lumpur for Chinese New Year (CNY) will enjoy a fixed rate for AirAsia tickets

Minister of Transport Anthony Loke Siew Fook was reported saying by The Borneo Post that Sarawakians will join their counterparts from Sabah in enjoying the festive offer announced by him in Sandakan.

On Friday, 3 January, Loke had announced that the Transport Ministry is working together with AirAsia to offer fixed rate air tickets for Sabahans in KL flying to Sandakan and Tawau before CNY.

"We do this so that more youngsters who are working in the peninsula and students who are studying there can come back to their hometown to celebrate Chinese New Year," he was quoted as saying.

Meanwhile, the report quoted Loke saying that the fixed rate for AirAsia tickets is not just for CNY, but for Hari Raya Aidilfitri as well.

Image via The Borneo Post

He said that the details will be announced on 7 January in AirAsia HQ

According to the report, while the details of the good news will be made known on Tuesday, 7 January, the tickets will be limited and will be for sale on a first-come-first-serve basis.

While Sabahans living in KL would enjoy a fixed rate for AirAsia fares between KL-Sandakan and KL-Tawau, Loke said that fixed rates will be "mainly for secondary cities" for Sarawakians.

If that's the case, the fixed rate will be offered for KL-Kuching only not include Sibu and Miri.

The Transport Minister, however, has urged to "wait for Tuesday announcement".

Image via The Borneo Post

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