
[VIDEO] SG Man Ignores M'sian Trying To Stop Him From Fuelling Up With RON95

The Singaporean tried to shield the fuel nozzle from onlookers' view.

Cover image via @bitcoinmalaya (X)

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A video of a man using RON95 to fuel his Singaporean-registered car at a local gas station has gone viral on social media

In the 45-second clip shared by a user on X, the Singaporean is seen fueling his car while making an effort to shield the fuel nozzle from onlookers' view.

It is believed that the man tied ropes at the rear of his vehicle to conceal the Singaporean licence plate number.

Upon realising the actions of the Singaporean man, a Malaysian driver honked at him from behind, in an attempt to ask him to stop

Unable to deter the Singaporean driver, the Malaysian proceeded to roll down his windows and engage in a conversation with him directly.

"Hello, bro. That's the green-coloured fuel. Why is a Singaporean car using the RON95?" asked the Malaysian driver.

The Singaporean man, however, chose to disregard the comments and continued to fuel up with the subsidised petrol meant only for Malaysians.

At the time of writing, the video has garnered over 1.8 million views, with Malaysians showing their disapproval in the comments section

"First-world class in stealing subsidised [petrol]. What a shame," commented one user.

Image via X

Meanwhile, some users suggested better ways to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future.

"Can we just prepare a petrol pump specifically for foreigners? It's hard to deal with both types of drivers because obviously, he would use the cheaper petrol," wrote another.

Image via X

"You can just press the stop button for the pump, right? If I were the petrol station owner, I would have posted a notice that said, 'Singaporeans can't use [subsidised] petrol'," commented another.

Image via X

Watch the video of the incident here:

Did you know subsidised RON95 petrol is off-limits for foreign vehicles in Malaysia?

Here are other times Singaporeans were caught filling up their cars with RON95:

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