
Man Drove 196KM Towards KL Before Realising He Left His Mum At A Terengganu R&R

He only realised his mum was not in the car when they stopped for lunch.

Cover image via Terengganu11/Harian Metro

A man was heading home to Kuala Lumpur after the Hari Raya holidays when he accidentally left his mum at an R&R in Terengganu on Saturday, 8 June

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via Halim Salleh/New Straits Times

The man, his wife, and his 73-year-old mother were on their way to KL from Kuala Terengganu, when he stopped for his wife to go to a washroom at the Bukit Besi R&R.

New Straits Times reported that as the man had dozed off while waiting, his mother had quietly left the car to go to the toilet as well.

As soon as his wife returned to the car, the man woke up and resumed their journey without realising that his elderly mother was left behind at the R&R

When the 73-year-old walked out of the washroom, she was surprised to find that the car was missing.

She then asked for help from the public, who led her to the R&R's express bus stop. However, she was reportedly reluctant to leave.

Image via Terengganu11

About one and half hours later, the elderly woman bumped into two Road Transport Department staff members who were patrolling the area.

She then told them about her ordeal and they sent her to the Bukit Besi police station.

Meanwhile, the son and his wife only realised that his mum was missing after they drove 196km and stopped for lunch at the Gambang R&R

Image via Harian Metro

At the Bukit Besi police station, the senior citizen informed Dungun police chief Superintendent Baharudin Abdullah that she had a daughter who works as a teacher in Bukit Payong, Terengganu.

The police then contacted the school and were able to trace the woman's daughter.

Image via Facebook

"We informed the daughter about what transpired, and a grandson eventually showed up to pick up the senior citizen at about 12.30pm," the police chief said, according to New Straits Times.

The woman was then brought back to her daughter's home in Bukit Payong where her son later returned to pick her up.

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