Mischievous Cat Ends Up 1,100KM Away From Home After He Snuck Into A Parcel
At least curiousity didn't kill him.
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CTV News
A one-year-old cat named Baloo has been making headlines around the world after he went on an unwanted adventure of a lifetime
During the trip, one of the deliverymen felt something amiss when he found urine leaking out of a box
By then, Baloo was already 1,100km away from home.
"He got under, so he wasn't on top. He had gotten in through the little hole of the rim down into the bottom of the box," said Baloo's owner Jacqueline Lake, who was frantically searching for her cat.
"The cat never made a sound. I'm telling you, he was in stealth mode," Lake said in an interview, reported by Global News.