
Son Of An Ambulance Driver Who Once Cut Grass To Help Pay His Tuition Fees Is Now A Doctor

In 2009, after scoring 7As and 3Bs in his SPM examination, he was cutting grass.

Cover image via The Star Online

Somaraj, aged 24, once had a dream and in order to make it a reality, he dutifully helped his father with his part-time job of cutting grass on weekends to help his family's meagre household income

Image via The Star Online

Back then, he was 18 and had just scored 7As and 3Bs in his SPM examination. After The Star highlighted his story, it received the attention of many, and generous contributions started to pour in.

Today, after struggling for 6 years, Somaraj has finally made his dream of becoming a doctor a reality. He graduated with a degree in medicine from AIMST University, and he is grateful to those who had helped him.

Image via The Star Online

“The financial help went into paying for my initial varsity fees,” said the 24-year-old who is now looking forward to his housemanship. “My father has since then managed to come up with the money for me to pursue my degree,” said Somaraj.

A former student of Penang Free School, Somraj, whose father is an ambulance driver, also wishes to pay it forward, reported The Star. He plans to organise medical camps in the near future.

“And, when I am financially stable, I’ll donate towards the education of bright, underprivileged students,” he added.

Somaraj hopes to become a doctor in a private hospital here, where his father M. Sangkaran still works as an ambulance driver.

Somaraj's parents are overjoyed with his success and like their son, are thankful to all those who had helped him. Watch a short video from his Convocation Ceremony:

Previously on SAYS:

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