
Spanish Actress Says Her Adopted Baby Was Conceived Using Her Late Son's Sperm

She's not going to rule out further surrogate births using her son's sperm as he had originally wanted five children.

Cover image via Sky News & Ana Obregon (Instagram)

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68-year-old Spanish TV actress, Ana Obregon, said that her newly adopted baby was conceived using her dead son's frozen sperm and is in fact her granddaughter

According to The Star, her claim has reignited a debate over the bioethics of surrogacy and children's right to privacy in Spain.

She told celebrity magazine ¡Hola! in an interview that the baby isn't her daughter but her granddaughter, and appeared on the cover of the magazine together with the baby.

The weeks-old baby, named Ana Sandra, was born to a surrogate mother of Cuban heritage living in Miami, Florida.

Image via Hello Magazine

Obregon's son, Aless Lequio, died of cancer in 2020 at the age of 27

Obregon said that her son originally wanted five children so she could not rule out further surrogate births using his sperm.

"If that was my son's last will and testament, how could I not do it?" she said.

The actress added on that only parents who have lost a child have a right to express their opinion on the matter.

On 29 March, ¡Hola! reported that the actress had adopted a child born via surrogacy in Miami

According to Reuters, the report had triggered a debate in Spain where all forms of surrogacy — including so-called "altruistic" ones where no money changes hands — are illegal.

Several Spanish government ministers criticised the practice, including the Equality Minister, Irene Montero.

She said that its a form of violence against women and there is a clear poverty bias with regards to women who become surrogate mothers due to financial need.

However, Obregon told ¡Hola! that surrogacy was not controversial in the United States.

"People here are open minded, but in Spain, my God, we are in the last century," she said.

Image via Sky News

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