
Singaporean Student Took Off His Shirt Because Someone Called Him A "Blueberry Cheesecake"

Drama in Temasek Poly.

Cover image via Aaron Limpeh (edited)

For the past 24 hours, Singaporean netizens have been entertained by a video showing one student in flamboyant colours wrecking havoc during a classroom session in Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore

The 18-minute long YouTube video, shot from various angles, was compiled and strung together with clips from multiple social media uploads. 

Aptly named "Bumblebee" by netizens for his golden mane and stripe top, the student could be heard hurling insults while going on his tirade in a lecture theatre

Image via Aaron Limpeh

He was confronted by another student in a black T-shirt who briefly strangled him.

Image via Aaron Limpeh

A lecturer then stepped in to prevent the fight from escalating further, but Bumblebee showed no signs of calming down as he continued to hurl profanities and insults at random students while squeezing in time to do squats. 

In another scene of the same incident, Bumblebee got up close and personal with another student wearing a red singlet, who called him "ugly" and that he needed to "brush his teeth"

Image via Aaron Limpeh

To that, Bumblebee replied, "I got retainers!"

Inaudible to and fro continues.

Student in red singlet hurled his last insult at Bumble, saying that he looks like a "blueberry cheesecake".

There's even an Instagram Story which captured Bumblebee reciting the lyrics to Kendrick Lamar's hit track 'Humble'. No, seriously.

Image via Aaron Limpeh

At the 16:30 mark, you're welcome. 

The video ends with Bumblebee taking his shirt off before exclaiming confidently, "I know here very hot because got me. I’m the hot thing here!"

Image via Aaron Limpeh

According to this Reddit user's first-hand account of the incident, the entire fiasco happened after Bumblebee was chided by a student for his disruptive behaviour

Image via /r/Singapore

He was apparently triggered by insults on his ITE background.

The Institute of Technical Education (ITE) is a public vocational education institution agency in Singapore that provides pre-employment training to secondary school leavers and continuing education and training to working adults.

A Temasek Poly spokesman told The Straits Times that it is currently investigating the incident and will provide counselling to students involved

"Temasek Polytechnic (TP) views this matter seriously and is investigating the incident. All three students have been instructed to make themselves available to assist with the investigation," the spokesman said.

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