
Proud Son Shares How Dad Sets Up For Online Class Despite Struggles With Technology

"As an old man who knows nothing about IT, he has done whatever he can to teach, to help, and to guide his students during this tough period."

Cover image via Wee Cher Wei (Facebook)

A 59-year-old teacher is trying his best to conduct online classes for his students despite not being very technology-savvy

The teacher's son, Wee Cher Wei, wrote a heartwarming Facebook post on Tuesday, 24 November, showing how his dad, who should be retiring in six to seven months, is still putting in a lot of effort to teach online while schools are closed during the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in Kedah.

Wee shared with SAYS that his father has been a teacher for over 34 years since 1986 and is currently teaching Technical Communication Graphics, or Technical Drawing, in a secondary school in Alor Setar.

Mr Wee teaching in class before the pandemic.

Image via Wee Cher Wei (Provided to SAYS)

Wee shared on Facebook that his father had actually video called him a while ago for help to fix his old laptop

When Wee realised that his father was actually trying to fix his age-old laptop for work, he could not help but tease his old man.

"I asked him why did he still need to put in so much effort when he is retiring soon. Show face can already what
?" Wee joked to his father.

However, the son said his father never listened to his quips and instead urged him to quickly settle the job. Finally though, Wee told his father that the laptop could not be saved.

Not the one to give up easily, the teacher then borrowed his daughter's laptop and asked for help to install some software on it

When the set-up was all done, Wee said his sister sent him a picture of their father a few days later carrying out his classes and drawing for his students online.

"This morning, my sister sent me this photo and to be honest, I felt ashamed with what I said," Wee wrote, sharing a picture of his father's new work station.

Wee said he feels absolutely proud of his father's dedication and passion for his career even though he teases him a lot

"As an old man who knows nothing about IT, he has done whatever he can to teach, to help, and to guide his students during this tough period, not knowing how many of them are actually paying attention," the proud son wrote.

"I remember he once told me, he didn't care how many students were actually paying attention to his class. But if there was one among them who will do well in an exam or in life, he would feel happy enough."

Wee concluded that even if his father was not the best teacher in the world, he was sure that he is one of the good ones, just like how he has always been a good father to his family.

The touching post has garnered over 51,000 likes and has been shared over 21,000 times on Facebook with everyone commending Wee's dad for his ingenuity and commitment

"I'm sure your dad was one of the those teachers who was the best and kept their students happy when he teaches. He must be the type of teacher who helps students chase their dreams," complimented a Facebook user.

Image via Facebook

Other teachers also chimed in with how hard they have been working too, with one saying, "Thank you for sharing this story. I'm a teacher too. I have to work, regardless of the weekends, for the success of my Form 5 students."

Image via Facebook

Meanwhile, many other netizens showed appreciation for Mr Wee's work set-up.

"Oh my god, look at his gadgets. This can make an IT engineer cry. I salute you, sir. Amazing teacher," said a netizen.

Image via Facebook

Read Wee's full post here:

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