
Things You Need To Know About The Work From Home Order Implemented In CMCO Areas

Only a maximum of 10% of employees in managerial and supervisor levels are allowed to work in the office.

Cover image via Rojak Daily & Malaysia-China Insight

UPDATE: Ismail Sabri has clarified that the work from home order only applies to civil servants and industries under MITI.
Read the full story here.

The government recently enforced a work from home order for workers within Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) areas which will come into effect tomorrow, 22 October

During a press conference yesterday, 20 October, Defence Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the government's decision came after the discovery of nine new COVID-19 clusters in Selangor that are linked to workplaces

In total, roughly one million residents will be affected by the work from home order which will only end at the same time as CMCO in each respective area.

Today, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) announced several standard operating procedures (SOPs) related to the new ruling

In a statement, International Trade and Industry Minister Azmin Ali noted that workers in the public and private sectors, involving management and supervisory levels must work from home, in accordance to the National Security Council's orders.

Only a maximum of 10% of employees in the managerial and supervisor level are allowed to work in the office. They must be those working in accounting, finance, administration, legal, planning, and information and communications technology (ICT) departments of their companies.

Ismail Sabri had also previously noted that those working at their offices must undergo a swab test.

The Social Security Organisation (SOCSO) will cover the cost of swab tests for both Malaysian and foreign workers. Therefore, it should be free for those involved.

Those working from the office are only given four hours at the workplace

MITI stressed that the people who are allowed to work from the office must only be at the premises from 10am to 2pm.

Not only that, they are only permitted to be at their workplaces three days a week.

"Companies do not need to submit an application for this purpose. Employers only have to issue travel letters for their employees who are allowed to work throughout the CMCO period. Employers have to set work from home SOPs that meet their companies respective needs," the statement read.

Remember to limit your movement and wash your hands often. Watch the latest update on the COVID-19 situation:

There has been a spike in workplace-related infections in Selangor:

Read more COVID-19 updates on SAYS:

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