
This 'Happily Ever After' Photo Reveals How Things Aren't Always What They Seem

What we see from the outside is often just the tip of an iceberg.

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On the surface this newlywed couple look blissfully happy, but sadly reality tells a different story - one of domestic violence and abuse

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Behind the smiles, beautiful flowers and white wedding gown, the groom is twisting his new wife's arm, which is battered and bruised from previous violent episodes.

Surprised? See for yourself...

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Relationships may seem healthy on the surface but behind closed doors, no one can really know what is happening.

The powerful image forms part of a hard-hitting Norwegian domestic violence awareness campaign

The advert urges people, including neighbours, friends and school teachers, to look out for signs of domestic abuse and report any suspicions to authorities. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 4 women experience domestic violence in their lifetime; an estimated 1.3 million victims are affected by this annually and 85% of the time the victims are women.

Perhaps most unfortunate is the fact that domestic violence has been also the most chronically under-reported crime. We need to break the silence and create an environment where victims feel comfortable to report cases of abuse. Help that by sharing this message.

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If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, whether it is physical or verbal, please seek help. Women's Aid Organisation, is Malaysia’s first refuge for abused women and their children that was opened in 1982. They offer shelter, telephone counselling and face to face counselling for hundreds of women every year.

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