This Paedophile Doll Maker Claims He's An "Artist" That Saves Children From Sexual Abuse
Shin Takagi says he's saving children by giving paedophiles an alternative to abusing real boys and girls.
A Japanese man who creates life-sized dolls of children is calling himself an "artist" who saves paedophiles from committing offences
Shin Takagi, who created the dolls and admits he’s a paedophile, told the Sydney Morning Herald that he's an 'artist' who's on a mission to prevent child abusers from targetting children.
The sexualised dolls - which resemble children as young as five - are sold via his website, Trottla, to paedophiles across the globe
Takagi founded Trottla due to his struggles of reconciling with his attraction to children. For more than a decade, Trottla has shipped anatomically-accurate imitations of girls as young as five to clients around the world.
Some dolls are smiling while others are made to appear as if they are crying or in pain, which are made in a "variety of expressions to fulfill a variety of client needs".
He claimed his methods are legal and the dolls act as a substitute to satisfy the needs of paedophiles so they don't commit crimes against real children
“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes. I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire," he said in an interview with The Atlantic.
According to Takagi, his clients - mostly men living alone - write and thank him for his products. His extensive clientele includes doctors, professionals and celebrities.
Takagi is convinced that his products save children. “I often receive letters from buyers,” he said. “The letters say, ‘Thanks to your dolls, I can keep from committing a crime.’ I hear statements like that from doctors, prep school teachers - even celebrities.”
Takagi's dolls have caught the attention of lawmakers in Australia, with custom officials beginning to crack down on shipments being imported into the country
Up to 18 consignments of life-size dolls - that are sold by Japanese company Trottla - have been seized by the border force officials since 2013. The dolls sent from overseas have been destroyed or used for pending further investigation. petition has also been set up to ban the sale of the dolls
The petition currently has over 60,000 signatures, just around 10,000 signatures short of reaching its target of 75,000 signatures.
Regardless if you think believe paedophiles can atone or be cured, child abuse is an epidemic that must be stopped
In June, a British man named Richard Huckle was convicted for sexually abusing 22 Malaysian kids and a Cambodian child in rural parts of Kuala Lumpur.
It is equally important to be cautious of businessmen like Shin Takagi, who continue to find loopholes in the system to be able to validate and humanise vile, degrading and soul-crushing behavior, as well as profit from it.