
Malaysia Beats 182 Countries In Global Report On Affordable And Reliable Electricity

We beat Singapore and the United Kingdom!

Cover image via New Straits Times

Malaysia ranks 8 out of 190 countries in the area of 'Getting Electricity', according to the World Bank's Doing Business Report 2018

The global report sees Malaysia maintain its high position on the list, showcasing the reliability of the country's electrical supply. 

Here's the list of the top 20 countries ranked for 'Getting Electricity'

1. United Arab Emirates
2. South Korea
3. Taiwan
4. Hong Kong
5. Germany
6. Sweden
7. Switzerland
8. Malaysia
9. United Kingdom
10. Russia
11. Iceland
12. Singapore
13. Thailand
14. San Marino
15. Czech Republic
16. Denmark
17. Japan
18. Panama
19. Slovenia
20. Finland

Countries at the bottom of the list include Cambodia (137), Maldives (143), and Yemen (187).

The world ranking is based on the following standards:

  • Reliability of supply
  • Transparency of tariff
  • Affordable cost to obtain electricity connection
  • Streamlined process to obtain connection
It takes 31 days to get connected to the electrical grid in Malaysia, less than half of the average of 78 days across high-income economies.

The ranking was achieved through the efforts and close cooperation of the Energy Commission and Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB)

The electricity supply industry players enhanced efficiency to make electricity connection easier for all Malaysians. 

Implemented initiatives include online applications for customers. This provides more convenience and shortens the waiting time for you, making the entire application process easier and faster.

“The initiatives are in line with the government’s policy to provide affordable, accessible and sustainable electricity for the public”

Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili, said in a statement earlier this month.

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Image via SAYS