
65 Tons of Dead Fish Floods Rio's 2016 Olympic Lake

More than 65 tonnes of dead fish washed up on Rio de Janeiro's Olympic rowing venue after rotting plant life causes the oxygen level in the water to drop. The lagoon, authorities say, became deoxygenated after heavy storms, which washed ‘a large amount of organic matter’ into the lake. This is not the first time that the lagoon has suffered such misfortune. In 2009 an estimated 100 tonnes of dead fish had to be removed from the waters after a similar incident.

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VIDEO: Tons of dead fish wash ashore in Rio de Janeiro (Mar 15, 2013)

Rio 2016 Olympic rowing lake filled with 65 tonnes of dead fish

Sixty-five tonnes of fish died in the lake last week, leading to a huge clean up operation

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The fish (left) were killed by rotting algae leading to a huge clean up operation by the authorities (right)

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Rotting algae washed into the water by torrential rain caused oxygen levels to deplete

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The Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon, where the rowing events of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio De Janeiro will be held, was filled with dead fish earlier this week.

The Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon is set to be the Olympic rowing venue in 2016 and has been described as 'stunning'

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The lake located in the heart of the city is among the area's many tourist attractions.

In 2009 an estimated 100 tonnes of dead fish, predominantly shad, had to be removed from the waters after a similar incident.

Similar cases of dead fish washing up ashore

In Jan, 2011, hundreds of dead snapper washed up on Coromandel beaches on the North Island of New Zealand, leaving holidaymakers perplexed.

In Aug, 2012, thousands of dead fish washed up ashore along the Texas coast from the Colorado River to Galveston Island and Parks

The resident estimated as many as 50 dead fish had washed ashore. Dead fish washed up on Falmouth shores in 2009, but much less frequently and in much smaller numbers

The mass fish death has turned what was being pointed to as a win for the city into something of a setback

About fish kill and causes behind it

Depleted oxygen levels are the most common cause of fish kills. In this way eutrophication can have devastating consequences for the health of benthic life

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The most common cause is reduced oxygen in the water, which in turn may be due to factors such as drought, algae bloom, overpopulation.

The term fish kill, as fish mortality, is a localized die-off of fish populations which may also be associated with more generalized mortality of aquatic life.

About Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas

Ground view

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View of the lagoon from Christ the Redeemer

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Though a fish colony survives along its banks, the lagoon suffers chronic fish kills caused by algae proliferation that consumes oxygen in the water.

The lagoon has several environmental problems, including water as well as land pollution. Currently, a private company is sponsoring a project to depollute the lagoon

The lagoon is connected to the Atlantic Ocean, allowing sea water to enter by a canal along the edge of a park locally known as Jardim de Alá.

Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, mostly known as "Lagoa", is a lagoon and district in the Lagoa, Zona Sul (South Zone) of Rio de Janeiro.

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