
Trump Refuses To Concede Defeat As Joe Biden Wins US Presidency In A Historic Election

Kamala Harris has become the first woman, first African American, and first Asian American ever to hold the vice presidency.

Cover image via Qz

Democratic nominee Joe Biden has been elected the 46th president of the US after defeating sitting Republican President Donald Trump

As of this writing, Joe Biden has won 290 Electoral college votes and President Donald Trump is at 214. The first to win 270 Electoral votes wins the US presidency. There are a total of 538 Electoral votes.

With his win, Joe Biden has made Trump a one-term US president.

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Trump, however, has refused to concede defeat

He released a statement claiming the election was "far from over," falsely accusing Biden of attempting to undermine the electoral process and vowing to take the election to the courts, reported NPR.

On Twitter, Trump falsely claimed that he won the election "by a lot", tweeting in all caps.

Biden, who received the most popular votes of any presidential candidate in the history of the US, showed humility and grace

The US election is also historic in the sense that it has now placed Kamala Harris, the first woman, first African American, and first Asian American ever to hold the vice presidency in more than two centuries

Prior to this, Trump tried to discredit the election results:

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