
Tun Dr Mahathir To Discuss Reopening Altantuya's Murder Case With Her Father Today

The meeting comes after Setev Shaariibuu and his lawyer met with Attorney-General Tommy Thomas.

Cover image via theSun & Lim Huey Teng/Malaysiakini

The father of Altantuya Shaariibuu will be meeting Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today, 20 June, to discuss reopening the investigation into her killing

"I never thought that the Prime Minister will ever receive me. I understand the PM is interested in seeking justice for this case," Setev Shaariibuu told reporters yesterday, Channel NewsAsia reported.

"I am full of hope that the new government will do everything under its power to render justice and bring an end to grief and suffering of my family," he said, adding that, "The previous government did everything to prevent the truth from emerging."

According to Shaariibuu's lawyer, Ramkarpal Singh, the meeting is scheduled for 5pm in Putrajaya

"We hope to discuss various matters with him, including the possibility of convening a Royal Commission of Inquiry into her death," said Singh.

"At this juncture, we would like him to appreciate how far the father has come in his quest for justice," he added.

After meeting with Attorney-General Tommy Thomas yesterday, 19 June, Singh is optimistic that the case of Altantuya's murder will be reopened

Image via Lim Huey Teng

"He (A-G) did not give a time frame but he indicated it would not be long, very likely there will be a reopening of the investigation," Singh told reporters after their meeting with Thomas.

Though the lawyer could not reveal what the leads of the case are, he said that, "There are a mixed of old and news one. There is enough basis for the case to be reopened."

"Those responsible could be brought to justice," he said, according to The Star.

In October 2006, 28-year-old Altantuya was shot dead and her body blown up with military-grade C4 explosives in Klang

Altantuya at her 23rd birthday party in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Image via Shaariibuu Setev

Sirul Azhar and Azilah Hadri, policemen who were once bodyguards of former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, were convicted of her murder in 2009 and sentenced to hang.

The two men were released in 2013 when the Court of Appeal overturned the conviction on the basis that the High Court judge had erred.

However, the Federal Court upheld their death sentences in 2015. Sirul has since fled Australia while Azilah is currently on death row, Malaysiakini reported.

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