
[VIDEO] How Strangers Showed Muharrem, A Deaf Man That His Disability Is Not A Barrier

Muharrem, a deaf man living in Istanbul, gets a pleasant surprise one day.

Cover image via samsungturkiye/YouTube

Muharrem, a deaf man in Istanbul is just an ordinary guy. But little did he know, the surprise that was in store for him when he stepped out that day.

Suddenly, strangers in his neighborhood are greeting him in sign language, from the local baker to the taxi man, leaving him very confused

When he was led into town by his sister, he was greeted by the big finale of his surprise

The gesture was so moving that it was enough to bring him to tears

Coordinating this was definitely no easy task as it took a full month planning as well as training

And of course, gotta have cameras. Cameras everywhere!

Watch the video here:

Meanwhile, this man finally got to hear the voice of his late wife again after over a decade:

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