
[VIDEO] Sabah Cops Fight Off Members Of Sulu Rebel Army In Deadly Shootout

The incident that happened around 4PM hits the township of Penampang Baru, Sabah.

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Sabah Police Confirms That The Two Men Shot In The Recent Shootout Were Royal Sulu Army Members

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Police have confirmed that the two Philippine nationals gunned down in Penampang Baru new township last Thursday were members of the militant Royal Sulu Force. Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman, who stopped short or identifying the men, said that one of the two suspects was a leader of the RSF group here.

“Both are illegal immigrants,” Jalaluddin told reporters here after attending the state police monthly gathering at the Kepayan State Police Headquarters. “We believe that they were committing robberies to raise funds for their activities,” he said, adding that they believe that there were certain links between the RSF activities and the kidnap for ransom groups in the southern Philippines.

On October 30 2014, A Shootout Happened Between Policemen And Two Suspected Sulu Rebel Army Members In Penampang Baru, A Township In Kota Kinabalu

On October 30 2014, A Shoot Out Happened Between Policemen And Two Suspected Sulu Rebel Army Members In Penampang Baru, A Township In Kota Kinabalu

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Speculation surrounds a mysterious shooting in Penampang New Township here, believed to have left two people dead, with a series of photos showing masked men armed with assault rifles fuelling the rumour mill.

Two men shot dead by police in the vicinity of a shophouse in Penampang Baru, Sabah Thursday evening are suspected to be members of the Sulu Rebel Army and the "driving force" behind the recruitment of new members.

The Two Suspected Criminals Were Shot Dead In The Incident That Happened Around 4PM

Plainclothes policemen ordering vehicles to move away from the scene.

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Two suspected criminals were believed to have been killed in a shootout with police from the Special Task Force at Penampang New Township near Servay Hypermarket this afternoon. It is believed the two men were travelling in a four-wheel-drive vehicle when they were shot dead around 4pm.

Members of the public who were near the scene earlier recalled hearing gunshots while others claimed two suspected robbers had been killed.

According To The Daily Express, The Two Sulu Men Were Believed To Recruit Members, Due To The Strong Illegal Immigrant Presence In The Area

It was believed that the suspects were trying to recruit members in the vicinity, known for strong illegal immigrant presence.

The suspects came from Kota Kinabalu and were allegedly involved in several armed robberies in the state. They had been under police surveillance for allegedly spreading propaganda about the Sulu Sultanate and militant activities, according to The Star.

According to a police source, police surveillance on the two men about a few weeks ago had revealed that they tried to recruit new members, spread the so-called Sulu Sultanate ideology in Sabah, as well as preached elements of violence.

Witnesses Claimed They Saw Policemen Dressed In Civilian Clothing Ambush A Pick Up Truck Before Shooting Two Men Inside The Truck

Witnesses Claimed They Saw Policemen Dressed In Civilian Clothing Ambush A Pick Up Truck Before Shooting Two Men Inside The Truck

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One eyewitness, a coffeeshop employee, said he was at work at about 4.10pm when a pick-up truck pulled up and double parked along the road, before a second vehicle came from behind carrying armed men who rushed out and ambushed the pick-up. “They came up to the car and just started shooting at the people inside. We couldn’t believe it was happening, people started shouting and we rushed to close the shutters. We heard more shouting and gunshots but we couldn’t see what was happening,” said the 30-year-old who wanted to be known only as Ah Min.

He said the D-Max stopped by the side of the shops and a man from another vehicle behind him suddenly walked up to the D-Max driver's seat and fired several shots following a commotion.

A bystander, who worked in one of the auto shops in the cordoned off area, said he was at work when he heard loud bangs that sounded like gunshots and rushed out to see. “It was a group of masked men, some in commando outfits running and shooting along the road. It was terrifying, like something from a movie, we ran back into the shop immediately,” said the eyewitness who also declined to be named.

A man in his 30s, who declined to be identified, said he was busy at work in a food store when he heard a loud thud. "I rushed out of the shop and saw a group of armed men wearing ski-masks and firing shots in the direction of some occupants in a four-wheel drive vehicle," he said.

A Woman Who Was In The Truck Was Then Taken Away By The Police

A third person in the D-Max, believed to be a woman, was said to have been taken away by police. Shortly after, a group of armed masked men dressed in civilian clothing, believed to be police personnel, were seen swarming around a tinted white D-Max which had several gunshot marks on the window on the driver's side.

Another eyewitness who was watching from the first floor nearby said she saw a woman being brought out from behind the pick up after masked gunmen shot at the front seat and was led to a police car.

Shortly After, Uniformed Policemen Arrived On The Scene Before Cordoning Off The Crime Scene. Shop Owners And Members Of The Press Were Asked To Close Their Business For The Day And Not To Take Photos

Shortly After, Uniformed Policemen Arrived On The Scene Before Cordoning Off The Crime Scene. Shop Owners And Members Of The Press Were Asked To Close Their Business For The Day And Not To Take Photos

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The particular area has been cordoned off by the police and a four-wheeler parked in front of the shop is being investigated by the police. The shoot-out led several of the nearby premises to close their shutters while reporters and photographers were not allowed to take photos of the encounter.

According to The Star, police have locked down four blocks of shophouses and ordered shopkeepers to shutter their premises. Car owners were also told to re-park their vehicles. Penampang OCPD Deputy Supt Ratan Kumar was on the scene directing his men as they strategised their operation in rooting out the suspects believed to be hiding out in the middle of the shop block.

Police enforced a lockdown at four blocks of shophouses in the new township to carry out investigations. People were asked to stay indoors to ensure their safety and shops were told to close.

However, A One Minute Video Surfaced On The Internet Showing The Masked Policemen Surrounding The Pick-Up Truck

This Incident Was The Second Major Crime To Happen In The Area. On 27 October 2014, Armed Men Made Off With RM497,000 After Robbing A Supermarket Just A Few Blocks Away.

It was the second major crime incident to happen there within three days. People were jittery as the shooting came after masked robbers on Monday made off with RM497,000 from two employees of the Servay Hypermarket located just two blocks from the scene. It was earlier reported that the amount was about RM200,000.

Multiple Of Theories Have Surfaced Regarding The Shootout. Some Speculated That It Was A Police Exercise While Some Said That What Transpired Was Real.

State Police Commissioner Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman, however, could not be drawn into making any comment except to say that he would explain everything during a media conference today (Friday). In a posting via WhatsApp he indicated it was an exercise as well as an operation to track criminals.

Social media such as Facebook and Whatsapp were rife with speculation of what occurred, some claiming the shoot out was due to gangsterism while others claimed police had been tailing the two men before the incident happened.

Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman Will Be Clarifying On The Incident In A Press Conference Today

Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Jalaluddin Rahman when contacted said he would disclose the full details of the incident in a press conference tomorrow (October 31).

Meanwhile, Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman declined to comment on the matter and has scheduled a press conference for tomorrow. “Be calm, I will clarify tomorrow,” he said, and when asked to comment on speculation that the drama was just part of a police exercise.

This Incident Happens Just After Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim, A Minister In The Prime Minister Stated That Sabah Is Safer Than The Streets Of KL

This Incident Happens Just After Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim, A Minister In The Prime Minister Stated That Sabah Is Safer Than The Streets Of KL

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The problematic Eastern Sabah Security Zone (ESSZone) is more secure than the streets of the country’s capital city despite reports of armed intrusions, kidnappings and fatal shootings since January this year, a federal minister claimed today. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim told the Dewan Rakyat that he has been visiting the state “almost every week” to prove how safe it is in the area, which covers 1,400 km from Kudat to Tawau.

Bukit Bintang Was Subject To A Bomb Blast About Three Weeks Ago. Read About It HERE:

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