
Video Shows A Group Of Boys Allegedly Harassing An Elderly Woman Walking Alone At Night

The incident happened in Kelantan.

Cover image via Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS (Facebook)

UPDATE: The group of boys have since been arrested.
Read the full story here.

A 30-second-long video showing an elderly woman using a slice of bread and an umbrella to ward off a group of boys in the middle of a night in Kelantan has gone viral since it was uploaded on Facebook

The footage, which begins and ends abruptly, doesn't offer many details except the uploader alleging that the woman was being bullied

"Ask the PDRM to investigate the incident of bullying by rude youth group against this grandmother," read the caption posted along with the video on the Facebook page of Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS.

The popular page uploaded the video on Friday, 2 October, saying the incident happened in Kampung Banggol Pauh, Kelantan. Although, it's not clear when exactly the alleged incident took place.

At the time of writing this story, it had received close to 2,000 shares with almost 3,000 comments. Most of the netizens' comments under the video had them calling out the group's behaviour.

In the video, which appears to have been recorded by one of the boys in the group, the elderly woman can be seen trying to 'scare' her alleged bullies while one of them is seen trying to kick her.

The video ends with the elderly woman turning back and running into the darkness.

Watch the video here:

Meanwhile, a few netizens recently brought attention to a Telegram group that is spreading women's photos without their consent:

Following which, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission has issued a statement regarding the Telegram group:

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