
Video Shows A Teenage Smoker Surrounded By Enforcement Officers At A Mamak

"How come the boy is not scared that he's getting a fine?"

Cover image via Syham Syham/Facebook

Since the smoking ban came into effect on 1 January 2020, enforcement officers have been making inspection rounds at eateries

On the first day of the nationwide ban on smoking at all food establishments, hundreds of summons were issued against food premise owners and smokers across the country.

Those who were caught smoking claimed that they were unaware of the ban, feigning ignorance over the government's year-long educational enforcement in 2019, prior to the complete ban.

Now, a video has gone viral that shows a teenager being surrounded by a number of enforcement officers for lighting up at a mamak

Uploaded on the Facebook account called Syham Syham, the video is 23 seconds long and shows the teenaged boy, wearing a blue T-shirt, going through his bag as at least six officers surround around him.

The video was uploaded on Thursday, 2 January, and has been viewed over half a million times at the time of writing. It had also received close to 10,000 shares and almost 5,000 comments.

It wasn't mentioned at which eatery did the incident happen

However, the person recording the video can be heard saying that while the number of officers alone is enough to instil fear among those who are thinking of defying the smoking ban.

"How come the boy is not scared that he's getting a fine?" he then remarks.

Watch the video here:

Posted by Syham Syham on Thursday, 2 January 2020

The smoking ban carries a fine of RM250 for first-time offenders

The fine will be reduced to RM150 if it was settled in less than a month. However, if left unpaid and brought to court, the fine could snowball to RM10,000.

Eatery operators are also required to play their role by making sure smokers only light up at least three metres away from their premises.

They are also required to prominently display a 'No Smoking' poster measuring at least 40cm by 50cm inside their eatery. They will be fined RM250 for the first and second offences and RM350 for the third.

Besides tobacco products, vape and shisha with nicotine are also included in the ban.


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