
Video Shows A Woman Being Shamed For "Grabbing" Premium Seats On AirAsia Flight From KL

Her self "upgradation" decision caused a huge ruckus on the flight.

Cover image via Bruce Lam

A female passenger on an AirAsia flight from Kuala Lumpur to Hong Kong was shamed after she decided to "upgrade" herself to a row of empty premium seats and make herself comfortable there

The incident that happened late last week, went viral after another AirAsia passenger, who was booked in premium class, posted about it on his Facebook profile.

According to Bruce Lam's post, while the woman had booked a standard seat on the AirAsia flight, she decided to move to a row of empty premium seats.

After she "upgraded" herself without paying any extra charges, she simply lay across a whole row of premium seats just before take-off.

The cabin crew politely asked her to move back to her seat, trying to explain to her how her actions were not justified even though the premium seats were empty.

After which, the woman went back to her standard seat, but it was short-lived as she kept returning to the premium seats on multiple occasions.

She would then lay down on her neck pillow and start playing on her phone.

All this was too much for premium flyer Bruce Lam, who was sitting across the aisle. Bruce lost his cool after the woman refused to listen to the cabin crew's requests to move to her standard seat.

In his Facebook post, Bruce wrote that when the cabin crew asked the lady to return to her seat, the woman said angrily "why?".

"I do not know if the flight attendants were too gentle and polite, but the woman had a bad attitude more than before. She was abusive and angry."

She finally went back to her standard seat after being shamed by a male passenger in the premium class who yelled at the woman

According to Bruce, who posted a short video of the argument, while the woman was being yelled at by the male passenger for her behaviour, she fought back saying where she seats in the plane was "none of your business".

"The flight attendants have asked you for the third time to not sit here, but you still do it," the male passenger can be heard saying in the video.

He also told her that it was most definitely not his business, but her "shameless" behaviour is why he wanted to tell her off.

The 23-second-long mobile video then shows the woman getting up from the premium seats and returning to her standard seat. Watch the exchange in the video below:

Posted by Bruce Lam on Tuesday, 27 March 2018

After the incident, Bruce claims the cabin crew thanked the male passenger, saying: "We often encounter these rude guests"

At the time of writing this story, the Facebook post, which was posted on 27 March by Bruce had attracted hundreds of comments and had received over 6.7K shares.

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