
[VIDEOS] Singapore-Based Businessman Is Humiliated By The Girl He Harassed On A Flight

Girl: "You decided the action; I will decide the reaction."

Cover image via buzzfeed via Shreyas Rao

On 31 January, a YouTube video, uploaded by user Shreyas Rao, showed a man being videotaped and humiliated by a woman from behind the camera on an Indigo flight to Bhubaneswar, India

According to YouTube user Shreyas Rao, the girl forwarded him the video, which was uploaded on Saturday, with the message: "This man on the seat behind mine, put his fingers in the seat gap to touch me.

The alleged harasser is seen hiding his face throughout the video and asking for forgiveness, while others on the plane look on, queued up to disembark.

As the video focuses on the alleged harasser, a Singapore-based businessman, the girl filming the video speaks to him in Hinglish. Below is a transcript, translated into English by BuzzFeed India:

Girl: “You’re asking for forgiveness. Why? Because I’m a girl? And you have the right to touch me any time, anywhere you want to?”

Man: “I’m asking for forgiveness.”

Girl: “What forgiveness are you asking for? Did you do it only once? Was it by mistake? Look at how old you are. Old moron. Half way into your grave and still not wise enough. Say more? Say more, come on. I’m videotaping you, mister! If you ever do this again, you’ll remember this episode. You think us girls stay silent and you can do anything, right? Look here. Why are you so bashful now? I will call security. I’ll make sure I make a complaint.”

Man: “I’m sorry about it. Please, stop it.”

Girl: “Why? Why, please? I’m sorry, please. I’m sorry that I’m a girl! Please, forgive me, for I dare to travel alone as a woman. I’m so sorry for that! I will not leave you. Don’t think [sic].”

Man: [unintelligible]

Girl: “Yes, I have purposefully done that. You thought you could do it again, right? You were touching me here again the second time. You thought I didn’t know what was going on and I would stay quiet, right? Only us girls are expected to have shame. You have a right to be shameless.”

According to the complaint filed by the 30-year-old woman, who hails from the Indian state of Jharkhand, the 60-year-old man:

“..put his fingers in the seat gap to touch me!!! I was very shocked for sometime to react. By then the flight went to landing mode. Then the moment flight touched down, i got up. Saw his hand was again on the side ready to take up any opportunity to touch me!!!

I created such a scene, humiliated him in front of the whole flight! He thought like usual girls will keep quiet and he can get away with this! I have lodged an FIR now!

He is a very rich man of bhubaneswar and is now very humiliated in front of the people who know him. Cant believe the ordeal i had to go thru but being silent is a crime!

The police officer was very helpful and the Indigo staff remained with me throughout.”

I clicked his pictures and made videos. I shouted so loud that the entire plane came forward to see him! I made sure I humiliate him as much as possible because I know law will do nothing.”

Image via

Watch the video here:

Acting on a complaint by the woman, police arrested the 60-year-old Singapore-based Indian businessman RK Jhunjhunwala

The police lodged a case against him under Section 354-A of the Indian Penal Code (making physical contact and advances involving unwelcome sexual overtures).

Jhunjhunwala was granted bail at the police station as the flight crew and co-passengers could not be examined. “He has deposited his passport with police and given an undertaking that he will appear for investigation as and when asked. The investigation is on with the police looking at all angles,” said Satyabrata Bhoi, Bhubaneswar’s additional commissioner of police.

In his defence, the 60-year-old said he touched the woman's hand due to a "jerk" when the plane was landing

“Even though I had not done anything wrong, I had to apologise to her as she made a big issue out of nothing in front of co-passengers. Besides, they shot a video and put it on social networking sites,” Jhunjhunwala told HT.

Jhunjhunwala said he was a senior citizen with no criminal record. He said there could be “some ulterior motives” behind the video being posted on social networking sites as it did not include his apology. “I am consulting my lawyer for all legal options,” he said.

However, a second video, also filmed by the same woman, in what appears to be an airport after she and the businessman have gotten off the plane shows the man offering to write her a written apology. However, he is seen smiling throughout the encounter.

The man offers to give the woman a written apology

Image via

Below is a transcript for the second video which also features an unseen and unidentified male voice. Translated by BuzzFeed:

Unidentified man: “I am recording it.”

Alleged harasser: “Please record the thing. Please record the thing. I’m prepared to face any consequence for it. I’m saying—”

Girl: “So you want to say that you want to give me a written apology for misbehaving with me.”

Alleged harasser: “For touching you, I want to give you a written— I request you.”

Girl: “Why did you do that? What did you think? I’ll keep quiet.”

Alleged harasser: “I made a mistake. I made a mistake. I made a mistake, madam, I made a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes in life. I made a mistake. It’s a big mistake.”

Girl: “You think this is a mistake?”

Alleged harasser: “Yes, this is a mistake. Definitely a mistake.”

Girl: “So things like murder — these are mistakes?”

Unidentified man: “Do you think this is a mistake or intentional?”

Alleged harasser: “No, it’s a mistake.”

Unidentified man: “It is not intentional?”

Alleged harasser: “But that’s why it’s a mistake, otherwise I would say—”

Girl: “Is there a woman in your home? A daughter, sister, or your mother? Is there one?”

Alleged harasser: “Yes, they’re all there. This is my mistake.”

Girl: “How would you feel if someone did this to them?”

Alleged harasser: “But if the person apologises, we will forgive him.”

Girl: “Oh, okay, you’ll forgive him. Call them. Call your daughter here. I’ll talk to her.”

Unidentified man: “Call the daughter, would you? We’ll talk to her then.”

Alleged harasser: “Kindly [unintelligible] that’s family.”

Unidentified man: “I’m a father. I’m a father of a girl.”

Alleged harasser: “I’m a father of a girl also but I—”

Girl: “You are a father of a girl! With this audacity? I pity that girl.”

Alleged harasser (talking to the unidentified man): “Look, when someone… I got the punishment.”

Unidentified man: “You will get the punishment.”

Alleged harasser: “I’ve got the punishment already. I’ve got the punishment already.”

Girl: “You decided the action; I will decide the reaction.”

Alleged harasser: “I’ve already got the punishment. I already faced the humiliation.”

Unidentified man: “Okay, please. Okay.”

Watch the second video:


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