
Watch How A Cop On MCO Duty Gains A Puppy's Trust To Rescue It From A Drain

A frontliner to both humans and animals in their times of crisis.

Cover image via Ezam Bin Ramli/Facebook

Earlier today, 9 April, a resident of Shah Alam took to his Facebook account to highlight an on-duty Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) officer's kindness after he got down into a drain to rescue a stray puppy

Ezam Ramli uploaded a video showing the officer in the drain as he tries to gain the puppy's trust.

In the minute-and-a-half-long video, presumably shot by Ezam on his mobile, the black puppy appears anxious as the officer tries to approach it while two other dogs observe from above.

The officer is then seen gently patting the puppy's head to calm it down as fellow PDRM and Army personnel manning a Movement Control Order (MCO) roadblock watched.

It took the officer about half a minute to gain the puppy's trust

He then carried the puppy to the surface where the two other dogs joined in.

In the video, which was first reported by The Star Online, the officer is heard saying "OK" to the dogs.

Meanwhile, in his Facebook post, Ezam praised the officer

"He's not only a frontliner to humans. Even though it's just a puppy, but it is still Allah's creation. Just look at how the puppy's guardians are thanking him," he wrote in the caption of the video.

Watch the video here:

Prior to this, in Sabah, a man walked 120km over three days, sleeping at empty bus stops while a stray dog kept him company. Moved by the dog's loyalty, he has since named him Hachiko:

Remember to #JustStayAtHome.

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