
Install Dash Cams In Test Cars To Curb Bribery, Says Transport Minister

Anthony Loke also stressed on the importance of a transparent billing system.

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Newly minted Transport Minister Anthony Loke is on a mission to curb the issue of bribery for driver's licenses in the country

Loke clocking in for his first day of work as the Transport Minister.

Image via Anthony Loke Siew Foke Facebook

In the same press conference yesterday, 24 May, Loke said certain measures will be put in place to eradicate the culture of "kopi-o" driver's licenses.

"I have been told that certain driving schools offer packages of up to RM2,200 for the 'guarantee to pass' license package. There will be no more such packages from now onwards," he said as quoted by New Straits Times (NST)

He said driving institutes must be transparent with fees and charges, adding that any additional costs should be out in the open through itemised bill statements

Image via Riakar

"They (driving school operators) should do this now. Consumers have the right to know what they are paying for," he said. 

However, Loke added that driving school operators can still offer additional services like transporting learner drivers to and from the institute, but he stressed that these "extras" must be optional and clearly stated in the billing statement.

The Transport Minister was also mulling on plans to install dashboard cameras in test cars

Image via Sinar Harian

The Star Online reported Loke as saying, "For on-the-road tests, we want driving institutes to install dashboard cameras in all test cars. By doing so, should an applicant feel he was failed because he did not pay the 'duit kopi', he can appeal with evidence from the dashboard cameras."

Loke added that all learner drivers should be monitored through closed-circuit television cameras (CCTVs) so the student's performance can be evaluated through a control room.

When asked how and when will these measures be implemented, Loke said he would have to discuss with driving school operators first.

Loke also announced he had instructed the Road Transport Department (JPJ) to set up an electronic bidding system for all future car number plate purchases:

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