
What Has Former PM Najib Razak Been Up To Since 9 May?

He may no longer be Prime Minister, but he still has a lot going on.

Cover image via Najib Razak Facebook

1. 12 MAY: Stepped down as UMNO and Barisan Nasional president

Najib announced his resignation from both posts three days after the 14th General Election (GE14).  

His position has been taken over by then UMNO acting Deputy President Dato' Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, while Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein assumed the role of UMNO deputy president. 

2. 12 MAY: Scheduled to leave for Jakarta with wife Rosmah Mansor, but had to cancel the trip after the Immigration Department barred the couple from leaving the country

3. 16-17 MAY: Spent the night on the couch as police conducted a late-night raid at his home in Langgak Duta

Image via Malaysiakini

5. 19 MAY: Hosted a group of students from the Pusat Tahfiz Darul Quran Ittifaqiyyah for buka puasa (break fast) and terawih prayers

6. 19 MAY: Had a routine check-up done before travelling to his constituency, Pekan, the next day

7. 20 MAY: Travelled to Pekan, where he gave his first speech since GE14

In his speech, Najib told the crowd that he did not "steal from the people" and that BN lost the election due to lack of appreciation and slander from the then-opposition coalition. 

According to this tweet, the former PM also lamented that he used to fly to Pekan, but now has to drive since he is no longer PM

8. 20 MAY: Stirred bubur lambuk with some Pekan residents during the visit to his constituency

9. 19 MAY: Gave his first interview since 9 May

Image via Malay Mail

In the exclusive interview with Malay Mail at his home, the former PM discussed his life after GE14, his role in UMNO now that he has relinquished his leadership role, and his cat Kiky.

10. 22 & 24 MAY: Showed up at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters for questioning over SRC International, a subsidiary of 1MDB

Najib spent almost five hours at MACC HQ on the first day of questioning (21 May), followed by another six-hour round on Thursday, 24 May to wrap it up.

11. 23 MAY: Called out the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government for politicising and issuing "misleading" statements about their investigation into 1MDB in a Facebook post

12. 24 MAY: Received a visit from self-proclaimed "Raja Bomoh" Datuk Ibrahim Mat Zain

Though he arrived in a black luxury sedan emblazoned with a customised "RAJA BOMOH VVIP" number plate, the coconut-wielding shaman left five minutes upon arriving without meeting Najib. 

It was previously reported that Ibrahim was declared bankrupt by the Insolvency Department after he failed to showed up to file his nomination on 28 March. 

13. 25 MAY: Published another Facebook post criticising the PH government for "unnecessarily spooking the market" and prompting "sharp falls" in the stock exchange

Aside from Najib, several high-ranking officials have also resigned, got transferred out, or put on leave in the past two weeks:

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