
Woman Claims She Was Abducted By The Man Who Hijacked PDRM Patrol Car

The man previously claimed he did it to impress his girlfriend, but the woman denies being his girlfriend.

Cover image via Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS (Facebook)

A man who hijacked a Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) patrol car to "impress his girlfriend" was found to have abducted the stranger instead

Recently, the man stole a Honda Civic 1.8S from local police.

Based on a report by New Straits Times on Sunday, 25 October, we at SAYS had reported that the woman was the man's girlfriend and that he stole the police patrol car to as an act of bravado to impress her.

However, it has since been learned that the story is not what was initially reported

The woman has now claimed that she, in fact, did not know the suspect and was forced to follow him in the patrol car β€” which he stole after managing to get the best of police officers from the Seberang Perai Utara district police headquarters in Kepala Batas, Penang, at about 9.40pm Saturday, 24 October.

The vehicle was spotted in Section 9, Shah Alam, Selangor, at around 2am Sunday morning, 25 October.

Police were able to apprehend the suspect, aged 32, along with the woman, who was believed to be his girlfriend at the time. Both of them were inside the vehicle when they were caught.

According to the woman, she was on duty at a cellular phone shop about 9.45pm on Saturday night when the suspect had gone to her workplace and ordered her to follow him, claiming to be a policeman

The suspect reportedly told the woman that she had several criminal cases against her.

Following which, he asked her to follow him in the car as the cases needed to be settled. The 21-year-old claimed that she got scared and followed the man, given the fact that he was driving a PDRM patrol car.

Contrary to the woman's claim, the man is adamant that she is her girlfriend.

"The suspect, however, claimed otherwise, saying he knew the woman and that she was his girlfriend," a New Straits Times' report said while citing an anonymous source.

Police are said to be investigating the incident further.

The woman was also remanded for four days along with the suspect and his brother.

"Besides probing into the incident, we are also investigating if there is an element of negligence on the part of the police," Seberang Perai Utara district police chief ACP Noorzainy Mohd Noor said.

A file photo of ACP Noorzainy Mohd Noor.

Image via New Straits Times

The male suspect, who stole the vehicle, had fooled cops:

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