
Firecracker Explodes In Woman's Mouth In China After Mistaking It For Candy

The firecracker's packaging resembled a popular taro-flavoured sweet.

Cover image via 快科技

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A woman in Chengdu, China accidentally ingested a firecracker stick that was packaged in a way that closely resembled a childhood treat

The woman shared a photo of a strip of firecrackers (left), which she confused for taro-flavoured candy (right).

Image via 快科技

The woman, known only as Wu, posted about the frightening incident on Weibo, explaining that her brother had brought back some snacks, one of which was a blister pack containing the firecrackers.

Unbeknownst to her, the firecrackers' packaging bore a striking resemblance to a taro-flavoured candy she had when she was younger. Without properly identifying the contents, she placed one directly into her mouth.

"I thought it was a packet of candy and it was dark at the time. I opened it, ate it, and it exploded in my mouth," she wrote.

Wu suffered a minor mouth injury, and the explosion left lesion marks on the inside of her cheeks

She told local media that she felt a numbness in her mouth, accompanied by a strong smell of gunpowder.

Wu reported no significant lasting effects on her ability to eat or brush her teeth, though she found the experience alarming. "This kind of packaging could easily mislead someone," she said.

Image via 快科技

While many netizens were puzzled over how such an incident could occur, some were also concerned about the firecracker packaging

Numerous users pointed out its striking similarity to the candy packaging, with one netizen admitting, "Someone really ate it by mistake. When I saw this packaging, I thought of taro-flavoured milk candy too."

"To be honest, why are firecrackers packaged like this?" another user asked.

Some pointed out the potential danger it may pose to children, who would be especially vulnerable to the misleading packaging, with one writing, "If a child sees this, they may put it in their mouth without thinking. There is no clear warning on the packaging. This is a design flaw."

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