
Woman Recounts The Scary Moment A Man Tried To Force Open Her Car Door At Car Park In PJ

Be alert of your surroundings at all times, people!

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A woman has warned the public to be alert at all times after a man tried to force his way into her car at the parking lot of a shopping mall in Petaling Jaya, Selangor

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In a post that has gone viral, Facebook user Sinyee Ng recalled that she was walking to her car yesterday, 1 November, when she noticed a man wearing a jacket and carrying a "parcel-like item" following her.

"When I slowed down, he slowed down too. He seems to be observing which car I'm getting into," she wrote. 

Feeling suspicious, Ng quickly hopped into her car and immediately locked the door. To her shock, the man suddenly caught up and tried to open the door on the passenger's side.

"He was shocked that it was locked. Luckily, I got to lock (the doors) in time and I honked and he fled," she wrote, adding that the entire encounter lasted about two to three minutes.

However, Ng has yet to make an official report to the mall's management, as she was "panicked" and worried that he will approach her again if she returned to the mall

She pointed out that the incident happened at the mall's open air car park in broad daylight, just as the "lunch crowd" was coming in

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Ng also counted herself fortunate that the car beside hers was backing out of their spot during the encounter, hence slowing him down and buying her some time to react. 

"Can't imagine what could have happened if his attempt was successful. Be alert and safe my friends," adding that she was glad she wasn't looking at her phone at the time.

At the time of writing, her cautionary post has been shared nearly 900 times. Some also commented that this is not the first such incident to have happened at the mall:

Image via Facebook
Image via Facebook

1 Utama has been made aware and has informed SAYS that it is currently investigating the incident.

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