
Woman Who Went Viral For Flouting Quarantine Turns Out To Be Wearing Theme Park Wristband

Perak health authorities initiated a search for the woman and a police report was filed against her.

Cover image via Sinar Harian & Abdullah Yusof/New Straits Times

A woman in Perak recently went viral after she was photographed at an eatery while wearing a pink wristband

According to Malay Mail, pictures and even a video of the woman started making its rounds on social media yesterday, 5 August.

Footage shows a bespectacled woman with long dark hair walking to a table while carrying a plate of food. Netizens pointed out that she was wearing a pink band around her wrist that looked similar to those used to identify People Under Surveillance (PUS). 

PUS have to adhere to a strict Home Surveillance Order (HSO) for 14 days while waiting for COVID-19 test results.

Image via Sinar Harian

Perak health authorities initiated a search for the woman and a police report was filed against her

Perak Health Department director Datuk Dr Ding Lay Ming told Sinar Harian, "The Health Department has received a complaint about a restaurant customer in Ipoh who was seen wearing a PUS wristband."

She added, "Police report has been lodged and the state Health Department is conducting further investigations to identify the individual involved."

Police have since confirmed that the woman is not a PUS and the wristband was meant for entering a local theme park

Ipoh district police chief A Asmadi Abdul Aziz told New Straits Times that the wristband she was wearing is actually from the Lost World of Tambun theme park.

"It is just a misunderstanding," he added.

He confirmed that a restaurant owner himself lodged a report at the Sungai Senam police station.

Ipoh district police chief A Asmadi Abdul Aziz.

Image via Bernama TV/Facebook

Previously, a couple in Penang caused a spark of false alarm after they were spotted in public while wearing pink wristbands:

Last month, a woman in Perak who was supposed to be under home quarantine dined in a restaurant and was later confirmed to be infected with COVID-19:

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