
Someone Apparently Had Enough Free Time To Neatly Hang Condom-Attached Panties To Trees

A pervert's lair or a poor attempt at social message to practice safe sex?

Cover image via The Borneo Post

Along a trekking trail in Penampang, a rather curious discovery has become the talk of the Malaysian mainstream news media outlets.

First reported by The Borneo Post, two dozen women's panties with packets of condoms attacked to them have been neatly arranged to trees in the area behind the Penampang Sports Complex.

Image via The Rakyat Post

According to the reports, photos of the discovery was posted by hikers on Facebook, who claimed that they spotted the panties but no one was around, though there was a small hut nearby

According to a Facebook page, Penampang Bulletin, there were also bras put up there.

Penampang district officer Luvita Koisun said enforcement personnel checked on the area after receiving news about the incident on Thursday.

“They saw the panties but could not find anyone there and even those living nearby seemed to have no clue about them,” she said, adding that she herself had not seen the assorted underwear neatly strung up amongst the trees.

She also said the district office was trying to find out the owner of the private land in order to assist police in investigation.

However, District Police Chief Deputy Superintendent Rosley Hobden said that they did not see anything at the site when they went over to inspect. "There have been no reports of the said findings as yet," the Star Online quoted him as saying.

Image via The Star Online


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