
You'd Think After They Fired Major Zaidi, He'd Give Up On Malaysia

He lost his job, but won the heart of the nation.

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Former RMAF Officer Major Zaidi Ahmad has been receiving massive support from the public ever since he was fired for lodging a police report over the ineffectiveness of the indelible ink

Mej Zaidi, 47, said he was glad that many people gave their support to him and his family following his sacking by a court martial on Monday for making a media statement on the ineffectiveness of the indelible ink in the 2013 general election and releasing information about his transfer letter. "Many people have called and texted their support and I'm very grateful for that," he said.

During the 'Padah Kerana Benar, Bebas Kerana Salah' forum organised by Bersih, some questioned Major Zaidi for wearing his full uniform when lodging the police report. He replied that he did not think it was wrong as he is proud to serve the country.

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During the forum, some questioned his motive for wearing his full uniform when he lodged the report as he had done it on his day off. “I am proud to be in the service and proud to serve the country so I wore my full uniform. I do not think what I did was wrong,” he said. “After lodging the report I was put in cold storage. I was not allowed to fly and I was transferred out from the Butterworth Air force base.”

Major Zaidi would not be appealing the court's decision as he would rather be serving the country freely than be in service yet have no freedom to speak

He said although many had questioned his move not to appeal the decision, he would rather be out and serving the country freely than continue in the service and be deprived of his right to speak freely.

His only disappointment is that he was not given a chance to defend himself during the trial, saying that there must be "something powerful" up there

According to him, presiding officer Colonel Saadon Hasnan, did not given him the chance to defend himself during his trial at court, which led to his sentence. “There must be “something powerful” up there. His (Saadon) remarks were crude. That’s what made me angry. He should have at least given me a chance to say my piece,” he said, as reported earlier by Free Malaysia Today.

The punishment may be tough, but Zaidi does not regret his actions. "I do not want to be part of lies. I am a Muslim and it is my responsibility to tell the truth," he said.

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“They (the government) said the ink was indelible but later I found out it was washable. I do not want to be part of the lies. I am a Muslim and it is my responsibility to tell the truth. I have no regrets about telling the truth,” he said.

He took the position that he didn’t want to be a party to illegalities and didn’t want to be party to besmirching the honour, respect and dignity of the armed forces, the air force in particular, and his own faith as a Muslim. “I couldn’t lie and help cover up,” he had said previously. “I am forbidden by my faith and belief in God.”

Constitutional law expert Dr Abdul Aziz Bari has commended Major Zaidi as an inspiration for being so committed to the truth

The forum organised by the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih 2.0) featured constitutional expert professor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari and Bar Council vice-president Steven Thiru as well as coalition chairman Maria Chin Abdullah.

Constitutional law expert Dr Abdul Aziz Bari lauded Mej Zaidi for being strong and brave in going through the case. "Inspiring and difficult to find someone who is so committed to the truth," he said.

Bersih 2.0 chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah said we need more Major Zaidis in this country, people who are trying to break through the growing culture of fear, silence and suppression

Bersih 2.0 chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah said Zaidi was brave enough to actually take a stand and never give up. “We lost a good hero in the army and the case is only one part of what is happening to society. “We are heading towards a culture of fear, silence and suppression of expression. “Major Zaidi is trying to break through it and that is what we need in Malaysia.”

"It is very sad that we lost a great army man. He went through great stress during trial but he stood his ground. We need more Malaysians like him."

Malaysians, including the Penang government has rallied behind the 47-year-old father of two, some even going as far as offering him a job

He also has a standing job offer from the Penang Government but has yet to decide on the matter. He wants to first discuss it with his ex-colleagues, many of whom are still with him and are incensed at the injustice meted out to him by the authorities, his family, friends and relatives. He may want to a free man for the moment.

Major Zaidi has politely declined the offers. He would like to work independently at a job that would give him time to serve the country in other ways.

"There were a few job offers but I would like to work independently. Maybe do a small business which will allow me the time to serve my country in a way I know how," he told The Malaysian Insider after the forum last night.

According to Free Malaysia Today, the former pilot has voiced his interest in joining Pakatan Rakyat. Whether he is asked to run as a candidate in GE14 or just help put up party flags, he is ready to follow the party's orders.

He will sign up soon with the Pakatan Rakyat (PR), the Opposition Alliance at the Federal level which is in power in Selangor, Penang and Kelantan. The thrust of his political struggle would be free and fair elections and that postal votes cast by military personnel not be dictated by any pressure on the part of the authorities.

However, it would be up to the coalition to determine whether he should offer himself as a candidate come the 14th General Election in 2018. It would be up to the coalition’s component parties concerned, he elaborated.

“If they tell me to just help put up party flags, I will do so. I am ready to follow party orders,” he said on the sidelines of a function at Mandarin Court Hotel, Kula Lumpur. “I am not looking for positions.”

For now, he is planning to tour the country and perhaps go on a roadshow to explain the issue that has befallen him. He might also pick up direct selling as there are still bills to be paid.

“For the immediate moment, I will tour the country, even go on a roadshow if necessary, to explain the issue which brought to my discharge from military service,” he disclosed. “I also need to find time to do some direct selling to help pick up the bills and take care of my family.”

To help Major Zaidi get back on his feet, Bersih has launched a donation drive. "We want to show that even if you lose your job for fighting for the truth, you will not be left hungry as Malaysian(s) are there to help."

Last night’s forum also saw Bersih launch a donation drive for Zaidi to help him get back on his feet. Donations may be made to the name of Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor at Hong Leong bank account number 03000064902.

Bersih hopes to collect RM50,000 from the donation drive which ends on February 15.

"We want to show that even if you lose your job for fighting for the truth, you will not be left hungry as Malaysian are there to help," said Bersih deputy chairman Sarajun Hoda Abdul Hassan.

Major Zaidi has lost his job, but he was won the hearts of Malaysians. He may not be in uniform anymore, but he will continue serving his country, in one way or another.

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Read Major Zaidi's story:

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