
Para-Powerlifter Bonnie Breaks Commonwealth Games Record & Clinches Malaysia's 4th Gold

Bonnie Bunyau Gustin broke the Commonwealth Games record not once, not twice, but three times!

Cover image via Bernama/Malay Mail & @olympicmas (Twitter)

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National para-powerlifter Bonnie Bunyau Gustin broke a Games record while clinching Malaysia's fourth gold medal on day seven of the 2022 Commonwealth Games

The 23-year-old won the men's below 72kg gold medal with 154.6 points, following lifts of 210kg, 216kg, and 220kg at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham, UK.

He was joined by England's Mark Swan, who finished second with 145.5 points, and Nigeria's Innocent Nnamdi with 132.5 points on the podium.

The two-time world champion had already delivered a winning result by lifting a Games-record breaking 210kg on his first attempt

However, he went on to surpass it again with subsequent better lifts of 216kg and 220kg, which eventually achieved the winning 154.6 points.

The feat was highlighted on Facebook by World Para Powerlifting, which wrote ecstatically, "Bonnie Bunyau Gustin broke the Commonwealth Games record not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES!"

"It feels great. I didn't expect to [break] the record and I didn't expect to win," he later told reporters.

Bonnie's win brings Malaysia's medal tally at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games to four gold, two silver, and three bronze.

The national contingent aims to win a total of six gold medals in the current edition of the Games.

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