
M'sian Breakdancing Athlete Reveals Struggle To Compete Overseas Due To Lack Of Funding

He highlighted the issue after netizens wondered why Malaysia did not participate in breaking at the Paris Olympics.

Cover image via @firdaussora (Instagram) & @Firdaussora (X)

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A local breakdancer has explained why he and other dancers were unable to represent the country at the recently concluded Paris 2024 Olympics

Mohd Firdaus Nawir, who used to compete in world championships, said that all expenses to compete overseas have to come out of his own pocket. His revelation comes after netizens wondered why Malaysia did not participate in breaking, or breakdancing, at the Paris Olympics.

In a tweet on Monday, 12 August, the 27-year-old shared that it was not because of a lack of talent.

"Who said we don't have representatives? [We do], but if we go for any of the qualifiers, we'll have to use our own money. It's not easy to qualify for the Olympics, boss. But we've also given up trying by going to the qualifiers in different countries because we don't have money," he said.

Firdaus also shared a screenshot of his World DanceSport Federation profile that showed he last competed in the BfG World Series in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in April 2023. He was a no-show at the Continental Championship in Hangzhou, China, in July 2023.

His tweet garnered over 11,000 likes and 5,000 retweets, with Malaysians wondering why the government isn't providing breakdancers with funds to train and compete

"What a waste... but it's okay, Firdaus, you had no luck with the Olympics, maybe you'll have to find your luck elsewhere. I hope that, after this, people will become more aware and push the government and relevant agencies to improve our sports scene. Thank you for your efforts," said a netizen.

Image via X

Another netizen tagged the Youth and Sports Ministry, urging them to help the breakdancing scene in time for the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic Games (although the sport has been dropped from the LA28 edition).

"Who knows? They may win our first gold. The gold medal does not necessarily have to come from our favourite sports," they said.

Image via X

Meanwhile another said, "No wonder, many of our athletes have won medals in Southeast Asia, but I guess they are not getting enough funding and support."

Image via X

Breakdancing won't be returning for the Los Angeles 2028 Olympics, but it might make a comeback at the 2032 Olympics in Brisbane:

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