Your Boss Could Be Watching Football Matches With You This World Cup
The MEF (Malaysian Employers Federation) recently encouraged employers to watch and organise football viewing parties this World Cup
The Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) Called For Employers To Watch And Organise World Cup Viewing Parties With Employees Together
Employers might be watching football matches with you this World Cup
Image via sanmiguelbeerinternational.comEmployers and their staff should catch delayed telecasts of World Cup matches together in the office after working hours, said Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF). Is To Reduce Staff Calling In Sick During The World Cup Period
This is better than staff calling in sick during the upcoming football fever season as had happened in the past when World Cup matches took place in the wee hours of the morning, said the group. Also Improve National Productivity Which Usually Declines During The World Cup Period
“Employers are used to it since it happens once every four years but this does not augur well for the companies’ operations as well as national productivity,” he said when contacted by The Star yesterday. MEF Also Advised That Viewing Parties Be Held After Working Hours As The Live Telecast Starts Early In The Morning
“As most of the matches this time are going to be played live early in the morning, it is better if they choose to catch the action after their working hours,” he said, reminding employees that staying up late and heading for work in the morning would affect their health and work. First Match Will Be Live At 4AM Malaysian Time While The Final Will Be Telecast At 3AM Malaysian Time
To be held in Brazil, the 2014 FIFA World Cup kicks off on June 12 with the host nation playing Croatia at 4am Malaysian time (June 13). The final match takes place on Sunday, July 13 (3am, July 14, Malaysian time).