Results for #indonesianmaid
Indonesian Woman Retracts Rape Allegation Against Ex-PH Exco Member Who Was Found Guilty
The former Tronoh assemblyperson was found guilty in July 2022 of raping the 23-year-old domestic worker at his home in Ipoh.
[VIDEO] Indonesian Maid Gives Birth In Employer's Home, Conceals Pregnancy For Months
The maid admitted to hiding her pregnancy from her employers.
Bride Flies Her 'Kakak' To M'sia For Her Wedding After The Internet Helped Them Reconnect
The Malaysian woman found her childhood 'kakak', who had moved back to Indonesia, after over a decade.
Maid Alleges That She Is Locked Up, Starved, And Splashed With Water At 5AM
She said that she is given only one meal a day.