Apple "Invents" Transparent Texting... A Technology That Has Already Existed For Years
Apple is looking into technology that offers users an easier, safer, way to text and walk by making an iPhone's screen "transparent" during messaging operations through the clever use of live video.
Apple Has Filed A Patent For 'Revolutionary' Transparent Texting, A Technology That Has Already Been In Existence Since 2009
According to reports it "would be a handy new mobile service that will replace a text message's white background with a live feed of the things literally happening right in front of your face."
The technology is designed to be used to protect texting pedestrians, allowing them to walk and text without bumping into things like lampposts or moving cars.
The Technology Behind The Patent Is Pretty Simple:
A live video feed from the iPhone’s built-in camera serves as the background for text messages, thus creating the feeling that you’re typing on a transparent screen.
In Describing The Need For Such Game-Changing Technology, The Patent Describes The "Rather Unique Predicament" Of The Text Message-ers:
A user who is walking while participating in a text messaging session may inadvertently collide with or stumble over objects in his path because his attention was focused on his device's display instead of the path that he was traversing. Even if a user remains stationary while participating in a text messaging session, that user may expose himself to some amount of danger or potential embarrassment if he is so engaged in his device's display that he becomes oblivious to changes in his surrounding environment.
appleinsider.comOptimistically, Texting In This Way Could Allow Users To See Dangers Ahead Of Them Before Its Too Late — All While Not Having To Look Up From Their Smartphones. Too Bad There’s Already An App For That.
Back in 2009, an app by the name of Type n Walk made waves for the exact same idea.
Yet, Here We Are, Eyeing Apple’s Latest Filing With The Same Idea
The patent goes on to detail potential extensions of the concept of transparent texting — i.e. beyond an iMessage-style texting use-case, including replacing the background of a webpage with a live video feed, so that the text of a website is overlaid over whatever environs the device user is moving through.
Or even replacing the static white background of an e-book – so iPhone users on the way to work could keep reading their iBook and not bump into any lampposts. “Alternative embodiments of the invention can be applied to virtually any computer-executable application in which text is presented over a background,” the patent application adds.
Although It's Unknown If Apple Is Planning To Work Such A Feature Into Its Next iOS Build, But The Tech Required To Enable Similar Functionality Is Already In Place
Apple's transparent texting patent application was first filed for in 2012 and credits Stephen T. Payne as its inventor.