
Snap, Ask & Get Answers — ChatGPT In WhatsApp Now Supports Images & Voice

You can quickly translate texts and audio on the same app.

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ChatGPT's journey from browser-only access to mobile and desktop apps has been a steady expansion

Now, OpenAI is enhancing its chatbot’s usability yet again — this time within WhatsApp.

According to ZDNET, users can now send images and voice messages directly to ChatGPT through the messaging app, mirroring the capabilities already available in its dedicated apps and web interface.

The ability to upload images on WhatsApp adds a new dimension to ChatGPT's assistance

With ChatGPT on WhatsApp, you can forward images and voice notes to it to quickly translate or explain things.

Image via Sukhbir Cheema / SAYS

Whether you need to identify a plant, translate a sign, or generate a meal idea from a snapshot of your fridge's contents, the chatbot can now process visual inputs natively on WhatsApp.

But OpenAI isn't stopping there.

You can also send voice messages to ChatGPT and receive text responses, similar to its Voice Mode feature available elsewhere. This makes it easier to interact hands-free or on the go.

I sent ChatGPT a voice note on WhatsApp, asking it to write me a koan.

Image via Sukhbir Cheema / SAYS

Previously, ChatGPT users on WhatsApp faced limitations similar to free-tier accounts, including capped call durations. That's changing.

OpenAI now allows users to link their ChatGPT Free, Plus, or Pro accounts to WhatsApp, providing expanded access within the chat app.

For many, WhatsApp is an essential tool for staying in touch with friends, family, and colleagues. Using ChatGPT within WhatsApp eliminates the need for a separate app, making AI assistance just a chat away.

Whether you're asking questions, seeking advice, or processing images and audio, ChatGPT in WhatsApp now offers a much more seamless experience.

You can start a chat with ChatGPT on WhatsApp by tapping this link or scanning the QR code below:

Image via OpenAI

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