
How Far Can You Drive With The Fuel Warning Light On? Here's All You Need To Know

Worst feeling ever: Running on fumes.

Cover image via Erik Mclean/Unsplash & JD'S/Pexels

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Imagine this scenario: You are driving in the city one day, when suddenly, your fuel warning light turns on...

"How far can I drive with the 'E' light flashing? Will I be stranded? What should I do?"

All these questions rush through your head as you scramble to Waze the closest petrol station. You fear that your car might suddenly stop, and you'll have to push it to the side of the road.

The main question continues to cloud your thoughts: "Will I make it in time?"

Here's everything you need to know when you're running on fumes:

1. The 'E' warning light turns on when there's approximately 10% of fuel left

Image via Way

Cars come with various fuel tank sizes, but according to automotive experts, the fuel warning light typically activates when the fuel level reaches 10% to 15% of the tank's capacity.

For example, if your vehicle has a 50-litre tank, the warning light turns on when there are five to eight litres of fuel left. Likewise, in a car with a 30-litre tank, the fuel warning light illuminates when there's only three to five litres of fuel remain.

Essentially, there will still be some fuel in the tank, though not by much.

2. You can still drive for approximately 20 kilometres with the warning light turned on

Image via Vehicle Freak

Some experts believe that you can still drive for up to 80 kilometres. However, we don't recommended running on fumes for multiple reasons:

1. You might get stranded on the road
2. Your fuel pump uses petrol as a lubricant and coolant

So, running low on petrol may burn out your fuel pump, and replacing it can be costly.

Once the warning light turns on, your main priority should be to look for a petrol station and refuel.

3. There are signs when your car is about to completely run out of petrol

If you can't find a petrol station in time, and your car is running on the last drops of fuel, you should look out for some signs that the car is about to give up.

1. Loss of power: Your car loses power and you see your rev metre dropping
2. Jerking: Your car experiences abrupt stops and jerks as you depress the accelerator
3. Choking engine:
Audible choking and coughing sounds from the engine

In the event that any of the above is happening, safely stop your car and turn it off. You should also place a warning triangle approximately 10 metres behind your car.

Here are some tips in case you wind up stranded

Seek assistance immediately. For example, call a friend or family member who may be available to lend you a hand.

Another tip is to call your insurance company's roadside assistance. Some insurance companies provide roadside assistance as part of their comprehensive car insurance policy. If you're unsure about your insurance coverage, it's still worth dropping them a call.

Lastly, most highways offer a toll-free customer careline. For example, PLUSRonda's emergency careline is available around the clock.

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