
Bank Negara Malaysia Is Looking For Cool Ideas That Will Make Finance Easy For Everyone

Share your big idea.

Cover image via Finance Monthly

This Spotlight is sponsored by Bank Negara Malaysia.

Finance can be one of the most confusing and ma fan things to deal with in our lives. Most of us would rather just avoid it.

Image via Giphy

Even supposedly simple things like paying your bills and submitting claims can end up being really confusing. And let's not even talk about how complicated it is to figure out how stuff like loans and insurance work ugh.

Over the years, technology has certainly helped to make all these processes easier and more convenient

It isn't uncommon for banks to have their own apps now and there's even online platforms that help with things like income tax. The use of technology to support or enable financial services have become so prevalent that it now has it's own term: fintech.

It is a sector that has been rapidly growing and now you can be part of taking Malaysia's fintech scene to the next level.

Do you have a new and innovative fintech idea?

Bank Negara Malaysia is reaching out to the public in an effort to look for innovative concepts that utilize technology to help improve the financial services sector towards building and shaping a better future.

Basically, the big question to be answered is 'how can financial services use technology to serve you better?'

Scroll through the #fintechhacks tag on Twitter and Instagram or check out the video below for an example of the kind of ideas they're looking for

You can also draw inspiration from some global fintech ideas that have improved how we deal with financial services and products

Image via Fast Horse
1. Venmo: A mobile payment service that allows users to transfer money to each other. You can link up your bank accounts, debit and credit cards to the app, as well as transfer money into the app to be used as in-app Venmo Money. This allows you to easily settle things such as splitting the bill at group dinners or paying back a friend.
Image via BGR
2. Mint: This app brings together everything finance related in your life (bank accounts, credit cards, bills, investments, expenses, etc.) on one platform to help you better understand where you stand financially. It automatically updates and categorises your information to provide you with custom tips and savings options.
Image via Hardware Zone
3. GoBear: A search engine that makes it easy for users to shop for financial products (insurance, credit cards, and loans) through an unbiased, personalised and transparent comparison process. The search results are based on each individual consumer's specific needs.

Bank Negara Malaysia is listening. Contribute your ideas to help make our financial services better.

Find out more and submit your ideas here. Terms and conditions apply.

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Image via SAYS

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