
Samsung Introduces Message Guard For Galaxy Smartphones To Protect Users From Malware

It acts as a virtual 'sandbox' that isolates a virus before it can do any harm.

Cover image via My Everyday Tech & Samsung (Provided to SAYS)

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Samsung is rolling out Message Guard to protect Galaxy smartphone users from scams and potential threats

According to Samsung, there's a new kind of cyberattack called zero-click exploits, where scammers can access all the personal details in your phone anytime you receive an image.

One single image could be embedded with malicious code that can envelop your smartphone without you even clicking on suspicious links.

To safeguard against this threat, Message Guard will act as a virtual ‘sandbox’ that isolates an image file the moment it arrives on your phone

Image via SlashGear

Samsung Message Guard will then inspect the image bit by bit and process it in a controlled environment to ensure it cannot infect the rest of your device if it's imbued with malware.

Simply put, Samsung Message Guard will neutralise any potential threat hiding in an image before it has a chance of doing the smartphone harm.

It also runs silently and largely invisibly in the background and does not need to be activated by the user. 

Samsung Message Guard is currently available on the Galaxy S23 series only.

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