
This New Endless Runner Game With A Twist Is Unlike Any Other Similar Titles You've Played

'Nightstream' is the latest addition to the popular endless runner genre and it looks too fun.

Cover image via Streamline Games

Endless runner games have seen a resurgence in popularity thanks to titles like Temple Run and Subway Surfers

Image via Mashable

The latest addition to this thrilling genre is Nightstream, a mobile game produced by Malaysia-based game studio, Streamline Studios

With an original comic book style sci-fi story, Nightstream follows a team of runners – resistance forces determined to fight against the evil forces of the Metronite corporation, who wants to seize control of the Nightstream - a mysterious data stream - for themselves. 

At the helm of the uprising is Zara, a young Hijabista woman juggling between her duties as a barista and runner. She is seeking justice against the forces of Metronite after an accident took her younger brother's life.

What sets Nightstream apart from other similar titles is that there are no lanes or rails. When the ground disappears, you have to be quick, taking to the walls or ceiling to stay alive.

Runners can grab their boards to hover, jump, and glide across challenging stages, collecting orbs and powerups while avoiding bottomless pits and deadly drones.

The game also features a dual-hand control scheme that allows for tricks and gravity-defying movement. 

You can also unlock cool gear while stalking the leaderboard trying to topple your friends' top scores

"Nightstream is a next-gen runner. It’s something adrenaline junkies will love," says Izzal Imaani, Associate Producer of Nightstream

“I feel excited to see what Malaysia will think of the game. We put a lot of love and care into the mechanics of the game, which I hope players will truly enjoy. It wasn’t easy nailing down some of the mechanics, especially the responsiveness of the controls and the powerup mechanics, but our internal gamer wouldn’t allow for anything other than perfection."

Nightstream is now available on iOS and Android for free. For more updates, you can follow the game on Facebook or visit Streamline Games' official website.

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