
Twitter Claims Threads Poached Former Employees To Make The App, And Is Threatening To Sue

They're calling it a 'copycat' app.

Cover image via Bloomberg & Souvik Banerjee/Unsplash

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After accumulating over 30 million sign ups since launch, Threads has been making waves in the social media scene.

But not all of the reception has been positive.

Threads' success has gained the attention of their competitor, Twitter, who sent a letter to Meta CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, hours after the app went live, claiming that the new Instagram-owned social media app poached employees from Twitter to create a 'copycat' application', as reported by SEMAFOR

Alex Spiro, the lawyer from Twitter who sent out said letter, claimed that Meta hired dozens of former Twitter employees who had access to Twitter trade secrets and other confidential information.

Andy Stone, Meta's communication director, dismisses Twitter's claims as 'baseless'

"No one on the Threads engineering team is a former Twitter employee — that's just not a thing," he told SEMAFOR.

Elon Musk has not formally addressed the letter, aside from responding to a news post on it on Twitter.

Here's what he said:

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