You Can Now Track Your Electricity Usage Thanks To TNB's New App
With this new app, landlords can monitor tenants' electricity usage and cut the power if the tenants don't pay.
Tenaga Nasional Berhad has introduced myTNB, an app that allows house owners to check on their tenants' monthly electricity usage
Tenaga Nasional Berhad has released an app that allows house owners to check on their tenants' monthly electricity usage
Image via TNBMany landlords would have at some point been saddled with a tenant’s unpaid electricity bills, leaving them with no choice but to pay the amount, sometimes with a fine too. Say goodbye to this nightmare with the myTNB application that allows landlords to track their tenants’ monthly consumption and bills on their smartphones. Nasional Berhad has introduced the myTNB application, which allows landlords to track their tenants’ monthly consumption and bills on their smartphones. use the app, landlords would first need to subscribe to TNB's e-Services portal
To use the app, landlords would first need to subscribe to TNB's e-Services portal
Image via blogspot.comIts senior general manager (customer service) Kamaliah Abdul Kadir said landlords should first subscribe to TNB’s e-Services at “You can track your tenants’ payment record online and choose to activate e-mail billing of premises that you leased or rented out,” she said in a statement. “The app gives additional convenience by allowing you monitor this via smartphones.” said in a statement that house owners could check tenants from building up a large amount in electricity bill arrears.
According to Kamaliah Abdul Kadir, the senior general manager of TNB, she hopes that the service helps prevent more cases of landlords being burdened by unpaid bills
According to Kamaliah Abdul Kadir, the senior general manager of TNB, she hopes that the service helps prevent more cases of landlords being burdened by unpaid bills
Image via“Account holders can register up to 20 premises each for both TNB’s e-Services and myTNB. “If there are long outstanding bills, landlords can arrange for TNB to cut off supply so that they will not be left with huge unpaid bills.” TNB e-Services and myTNB app can assist the house owners to get TNB to enter their rented premises and disconnect the electricity supply if the tenant had not been paying the bills, said TNB customer service senior general manager Kamaliah Abdul Kadir.
Kamaliah added that the e-Services and myTNB were meant to help alleviate the trouble landlords faced when their tenants ignore electricity bills.
To further safeguard landlords from more unpaid bills, she also suggested that tenants are asked to sign a Charge of Tenancy (COT) agreement. This means that the responsibility to pay the bill falls on the tenants instead throughout the tenancy period
To further safeguard landlords from more unpaid bills, she also suggested that tenants are asked to sign a Charge of Tenancy (COT) agreement. This means that the responsibility to pay the bill falls on the tenants instead.
Image via freemalaysiatoday.comShe also advised landlords to sign a ‘“Charge of Tenancy (COT) agreement” with TNB so payment responsibility falls on the tenant throughout the tenancy period.
“Landlords should also ask their tenants to sign a Charge of Tenancy (COT) agreement with TNB so the payment liability can be passed to tenants throughout the tenancy period. “With COT, the onus to settle any unpaid bill is on the tenants. Customers are advised to drop by at the nearest TNB customer service centre to process the COT,” she added.